I am a seasoned performer.

Seasoned queens can also learn new tricks, right?

I love to combine first-time actors with seasoned actors.

The seasoned woman is going to offer a more seasoned character.

In Japanese, sushi does not mean raw fish. It means seasoned rice.

Carl Froch is a strong, seasoned world champion and there's no quit in him.

Sadly, as a seasoned prosecutor, I know what dark acts people are capable of.

This generation of filmmakers is very good. They're seasoned, for some reason.

I become more seasoned, it's less interesting to try and compete in the pop market.

My food, I think, is big. It's aggressive, it's aggressively seasoned, and it's hearty.

I have never seasoned a truth with the sauce of a lie in order to digest it more easily.

For even the most seasoned observers of American politics, Barack Obama is a phenomenon.

My oldest son, Gary, is a seasoned minister and travels with me for ministers' conferences.

I do like potato chips, French fries and Barney's burgers in L.A. with seasoned curly fries.

If deep-frying catfish, try a dredge of seasoned flour and cornmeal and add some bacon fat to the oil.

I love watching a single pork chop seasoned with garlic and shallots cook and see the fat bubble around it.

Great VCs are more than mere investors; they are often seasoned leaders who have built companies themselves.

One of my favorite dishes in the world used to be steak tartare, which is raw ground beef seasoned and then served.

There's an alchemy that happens in my eyes when you mix it up, when you have a seasoned actor on set and your first-timer.

I like simple food, seasoned with just salt, pepper, oil and vinegar. Complicated food and complicated lives are never good.

Working with Kajol was a delight, as we complemented each other. She is a seasoned actor, and there is so much to learn from her.

I think it was that we were really seasoned musicians. We had serious roots that spanned different cultures, obviously the blues.

Any person seasoned with a just sense of the imperfections of natural reason, will fly to revealed truth with the greatest avidity.

One of my greatest regrets in coaching is the Butler Final Four runs, because if I would have been a seasoned coach, I think we would have won.

I love being on sets with very seasoned directors as well as very new directors. Every time is a discovery process. You learn something new every time.

Sometimes you get too jaded, too seasoned. With Hellyeah, we've been having a lot of fun. From the minute we sat down in the studio, there was a lot of energy.

In time we grow older, we grow wiser, we grow smarter, and we're better. And I feel like I'm becoming more seasoned, although I don't have my salt-and-pepper hair.

Whether a party can have much success without a woman present I must ask others to decide, but one thing is certain, no party is any fun unless seasoned with folly.

I'm OK with messing up sometimes and not getting everything perfect - and there's something really relatable there for people that aren't so seasoned in the kitchen.

I think it goes hand in hand because if you discipline yourself on the floor, as you become an older player or a more seasoned individual, it adds structure in your life.

For even the most seasoned diplomats and foreign policymakers, the Israel-Palestinian conflict is a pressure cooker assignment that can cause angst of an existential nature.

I can always do five, five-minute rounds, any day, even if I was drinking yesterday or doing whatever. I'm a seasoned athlete, an endurance athlete, and I'm always working out.

First of all, you want to do the soaking with almost all of the larger beans because that will take care of the gas, and second of all... they want to be seasoned and flavored.

You know, it's kind of a shame in a way but the more seasoned directors a lot of times have more difficult getting a job than first time guys. New kid on the block kind of thing.

I felt slightly superior to student politics, for instance. I had no reason to think this, but I thought of myself as slightly more seasoned. I became quite cynical talking to my student friends.

Cause I was such a novice and thank God that Sarah was as seasoned as she was because she was really a great leader in that regard in the sense that she would communicate really well with the crew.

The problem is Donald Trump was an outsider to politics. He really didn't have a team of seasoned political veterans around him who had worked together and knew how to work together and get something done.

I'm not an old, experienced hand at politics. But I am now seasoned enough to have learned that the hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.

In the American office lexicon, 'aging' - and its close cousin 'old' - are inconsistent modifiers. While older women are often labeled as 'tired' and 'out of touch,' aging men get to be 'distinguished' and 'seasoned.'

Often we women are risk averse. I needed the push. Now, more than ever, young women need more seasoned women to provide that encouragement, to take a risk, to go for it. Once a glass ceiling is broken, it stays broken.

'You better do a lot of praying' is good counsel for all of the Lord's servants, new or seasoned. It is what His wise servants do. They pray. The disciples of Jesus Christ when He lived on the earth noticed that about Him.

Ultimately, when two professionals meet, I don't really see the location as being a defining factor. If you're a psychologically weak fighter, maybe it would be. But if you're a seasoned pro, it doesn't really come into it.

When I came to WWE - I got signed when I was 23. When I was on 'SmackDown' roster, the main roster, I was 24. I wasn't ready for those responsibilities. I wasn't - I wasn't seasoned enough as a wrestler, as an in-ring performer.

At this camp I had the unique experience of showing all these seasoned Westerners that it was possible to make a fire by the friction of two sticks. This has long been a specialty of mine; I use a thong and a bow as the simplest way.

Unlike in Europe, where serving is often a career rather than a backup plan, American table-waiting remains a bootstrap business, and some of the biggest skeptics of waiter training courses and schools are seasoned servers themselves.

My own favorite way to cook and eat razor clams is to simply dredge them in a mix of seasoned flour and cornmeal, then pan fry them in butter until crisp and golden. Be careful not to overcook them so they stay tender, not tough and chewy.

Obviously, I'm at the beginning of my career, contrary to what anyone else thinks. I'm 19 years old. In any other country, everywhere else, you're a prospect. And that's what I am right now in Europe. I'm a prospect. I'm not a seasoned veteran.

I've literally never seen a crowd react to a band the way they react to the Polysics. Signing them to MySpace Records was an obvious choice. I wanted to be the person to bring this seasoned band to a new culture and audience. I'm really proud of them.

As a professional climber and photographer, I am asked to shoot in a lot of situations with a lot of different people. Sometimes I'm with the hardest, most seasoned alpinists in the world. Sometimes I'm hanging out with celebrities doing a benefit climb.

It's almost impossible for a start-up to compete on cash compensation, and it doesn't make much sense to try. A seasoned executive at a big company is going to join a start-up because he or she craves the opportunity to build something from the ground up.

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