I don't trust you with my shoe; I wouldn't trust you with an old pair of socks.

I've always liked boots. I always think it's better to wear a boot, not a shoe.

Old is when people compliment your alligator shoes, and you're not wearing any.

When we see a man with bad shoes, we say it is no wonder, if he is a shoemaker.

We only need to wear shoes because the British built roads which hurt our feet.

We're taught to value ourselves not by the good we do but by the shoes we wear.

When I get into the shoes of any character, I work on getting the perfect look.

Shoe Suede Blues is ten years old this year. The Band consists of four members.

The most important piece of equipment after the camera is a good pair of shoes.

You might be a redneck if going to the bathroom involves shoes and a flashlight.

I used to buy good shoes, now I buy good bags. They make me feel more confident.

I started with shoes, and with hard work and discipline, the business prospered.

I stroll along serenely, with my eyes, my shoes, my rage, forgetting everything.

I don't tie my shoes right. I tie them the way you would tie a gift, like a bow.

An idea in the head is like a rock in the shoe; I just can't wait to get it out.

Who is wurs shod, than the shoemakers wyfe,With shops full of shoes all hir lyfe?

I believe that women would crawl across broken glass to get a cool pair of shoes.

Fresh dress, like a million bucks, Put on the bally shoes and the fly green socks

When Wu-Wear started making shoes and sneakers and pants, it was shoddy material.

Art is like baby shoes. When you coat them with gold, they can no longer be worn.

The deft white-stockinged dance in thick-soled shoes! Denmark's sanctuaried Jews!

Sometimes women feel uncomfortable when men stare at them when they try on shoes.

I'm surprisingly practical in much of my life, but not when it comes to my shoes.

Sometimes I hear people saying, 'Nothing has changed.' Come and walk in my shoes.

"Shoe" just meant you were a big jock on campus no matter what field you were in.

Every girl needs a shoe that goes with nothing and therefore goes with everything.

Shoes must have very high heels and platforms to put women's beauty on a pedestal.

If I ever write a book, 'I Should Have Worn Comfortable Shoes' would be the title.

By the time they're ready to be thrown away, most shoes are thoroughly comfortable

I just kick off my shoes, walk around barefoot, I don't care if my feet get dirty.

It all began with a shoe on the wall. A shoe on the wall shouldn't be there at all.

Tabloids are going to focus on my shoes and not my music; that's just what they do.

Your shoes and bags don't need to match always. It's perfect to be mismatched, too.

Because I have some amazing shoes and bags and stories that need to be appreciated.

Rick Rubin is interesting. He doesn't wear shoes, I think? No wait, he wears shoes.

Isn't Timbaland a make of shoe? It's a producer? I don't know who that is. Oh well.

Don't speak ill of your predecessors or successors. You didn't walk in their shoes.

Put yourself in their shoes before you decide on the best way to take their shirts.

There's one good thing about tight shoes; they make you forget your other troubles.

All that hoops are good for is to clean dirty shoes and keep fellows at a distance.

I'd make a wonderful Lady Macbeth. I'll wear a pair of platform shoes or something.

There is no limit to beauty, no saturation point in design, no end to the material.

A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

It's mind-altering when you slip into someone else's shoes. That's psychedelic, man.

To match the shoes with the jacket is fey. To match the shoes with the hat is taste.

Strangely enough, I really think that shoes are a communication tool between people.

A naked woman in heels is a beautiful thing. A naked man in shoes looks like a fool.

In design it is important to shoe the effect of an action. ... Feedback is critical.

I take class. I'm always ballet ready. I'm ready to go - got my tights and my shoes.

Comfortable shoes and the freedom to leave are the two most important things in life.

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