I like Cinderella - she has a good work ethic and she likes shoes.

If you wanted a safe job, go sell shoes. This is a tough business.

That's like asking a cobbler if he's made too many pairs of shoes.

The most I've spent on shoes were a pair from Kurt Geiger for £250.

A woman can carry a bag, but it is the shoe that carries the woman.

You will put on a dress of guilt and shoes with broken high ideals.

You conquered the landscape with the soles of shoes, not the tires.

I am the most incurably lazy devil that ever stood in shoe leather.

I like different shoes with different themes for different reasons.

Everybody doesn't have to have a daughter who's a goodie-two-shoes.

I would love to have my own shoe line. That I would absolutely love.

I hate the French because they are all slaves and wear wooden shoes.

Any girl that's got a $500,000 table and $5 shoes, I'm in love with.

Some actors start with the right shoes. I start with the right hats.

Don't reject a shoe because you can't run in it. It's OK not to run.

Beginning in 1978, Nike paid coaches to put their shoes on the team.

Materialistic I'm narcissistic My shoe game is mean It's so sadistic

Shoes off in the whale! And don't try and make a break for the anus.

I feel like I'm wearing orthopedic shoes, because I stand corrected.

And wheresoe'er thou move, good luck Shall fling her old shoe after.

I like stripper shoes. I like being tall because I'm claustrophobic.

I just love the ideal of the surreal quality of putting it on a shoe.

Any shoe which protects your feet in a hard road is a beautiful shoe!

If God sends us on stony paths, He will provide us with strong shoes.

I think it is bad luck to put shoes on a table or walk under ladders.

Zappos is a customer service company that just happens to sell shoes.

Every song, every form of art, clothing, shoes, it has to be special.

When your feet start to hurt, place yourself in someone else's shoes.

Be well dressed, behave like a gentleman, and keep your shoes shined.

There is nothing charming about a woman who cannot walk in her shoes.

My shoes are perfect for the very sexy woman who wants to be elegant.

My culinary wardrobe is the same as my biking wardrobe, just no shoes.

Lies circle the earth while Truth is still trying to put on its shoes.

Shoes are the quickest way for women to achieve instant metamorphosis.

You won't step on other's toes if you imagine yourself in their shoes.

Plastic shoes are to the shoe world what fast food is to fine cuisine.

A man hasn't got a corner on virtue just because his shoes are shined.

You can wear anything as long as you put a nice pair of shoes with it.

But from the hoop's bewitching round, Her very shoe has power to wound.

I was complaining that I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet.

I am very bad at drawing. Seriously. I can draw shoes. That's about it.

It isn't the mountains that wear you out; it's the pebble in your shoe.

I ask myself more questions than Hamlet as I ponder which shoes to wear

I'm a goody two-shoes who's never taken anything stronger than Tylenol.

There is man in his entirety, blaming his shoe when his foot is guilty.

Oh yes, I love to do shoes. I'm not a fetishist but I love to do shoes.

Shoes are a mirror of what you want, what you are or what you're missing

I bowled for two years in college, because I was drunk and needed shoes.

It's easier to put on a pair of shoes than to wrap the earth in leather.

I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them at least five years.

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