Never underestimate the power of a shoe.

I like women with style to wear my shoes.

An old-shoe lover loves loving old shoes.

A film should be like a rock in the shoe.

A film has to be like a stone in the shoe.

I'm not a clotheshorse or a big shoes guy.

Then I buckled up my shoes, and I started.

If the shoe fits, it is probably worn out.

At one point, I had 14 pairs of golf shoes.

Unshined shoes are the end of civilization.

Put on your red shoes, and dance the blues.

I like to literally put women on a pedestal

You cannot put the same shoe on every foot.

I find shoes difficult to be ethical about.

I was tired of playing the goodie-two-shoes.

We will welcome them with bullets and shoes.

My shoes are clean from walking in the rain.

A shoe that fits one person pinches another.

No one knows whom the shoe pinches - no one.

I can't wear flat shoes. My feet repel them.

A girl's just as hot as the shoes she choose

My shoes are worth more......than your house!

I own a lot of shoes; I am not sure how many.

The right shoe can make everything different.

Buying shoes is the highest form of shopping.

My chest bumps like a dryer with shoes in it.

Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

My life is like my shoes, worn out by service.

We will begin by learning how to tie our shoes.

Never go anywhere you have to wear brown shoes.

My shoes are special shoes for discerning feet.

If the shoe fits, buy another one just like it.

With four pairs of shoes I can travel the world.

I always judge a man by his shoes and his watch.

Round-heads and Wooden-shoes are standing jokes.

If arrogance were shoes, he'd never go barefoot.

My address is like my shoes. It travels with me.

I love jeans, T-shirts, boots, and tennis shoes.

I have 137 pairs of shoes and 200 pairs of jeans.

Good shoes and a good scent make the perfect day.

Even if you're fat, one thing always fits: shoes.

I do not have 3,000 pairs of shoes, I have 1,060.

Haughtiness is the high heel shoe of the low men!

I'm a huge shoe person, and I have lots of shoes.

If the shoe doesn't fit, must we change the foot?

I would not invest in any shoe that is too trendy.

I love pedicures. And, yes, I have a ton of shoes.

Shoes make an outfit; they're like rims for a car.

I have a few obsessions in life, and one is shoes!

Before you judge someone, walk a mile in his shoes.

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