When you're singing you can hear the echo of people in the audience ...

When you're singing you can hear the echo of people in the audience singing every single word with you, and that was that big dream that I had for myself. It's happening.

I believe in singing.

I really love singing.

Singing is my first love.

I'm singing. I'm a singer!

Singing is a lover's thing.

I will probably die singing.

My singing ability is zilch.

If I cannot fly, let me sing.

Love, I find, is like singing.

Singing's not my real passion.

I'll keep singing 'till I die.

Sing songs that none have sung

The one who sings, prays twice.

Singing is incredibly physical.

I love singing. I just love it.

My heart is like a singing bird.

Where's the need of singing now?

If you're gonna sing, sing loud.

I got into singing when I was 6.

I don't like singing before noon.

Folk Music is the map of singing.

Do you hear the children singing?

My love of singing is hereditary.

I am a farmer singing at the plow

There is no song to your singing.

I love music, and I love singing.

I am singing now while Rome burns.

If you're a dancer, study singing.

Singing becomes a form of therapy.

In the distance someone is singing.

I wish I had a great singing voice.

I have been singing since I was kid.

Where the hell are the singing cats?

I grew up singing in a church choir.

Captive people have a need for song.

I don't want to be singing my diary.

I can't imagine life without singing.

Maybe I should try singing like a man.

I will save the singing for my shower.

If you feel like singing along, don't.

Sometimes, I don't notice I'm singing.

Singing is just a feeling set to music.

I miss singing. I did Broadway forever.

I love singing just for my own benefit.

My father started me singing in church.

Singing from the heart is my only goal.

I love singing as much as I love acting.

The crooning turns to a sunrise singing.

Each bird must sing with his own throat.

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