I want to avoid personal attacks, ... I promise not to make fun of your singing.

Music for me is not just being on a stage and singing. It's my coping mechanism.

'Titanium' wasn't supposed to be me singing, but they put my demo vocal back on.

If you're leaving your family behind, you better believe in what you're singing.

See, that's nothing but blues, that's all I'm singing about. It's today's blues.

I'd always been quite quiet growing up, and singing was a way of having a voice.

There is no such thing as a wrong note ... just as long as you're singing along.

When Lester plays, he almost seems to be singing; one can almost hear the words.

People ask me where I got my singing style. I didn't copy my style from anybody.

I'm not really that comfortable, to be honest, singing about my darkest moments.

The whole basis of my singing is feeling. Unless I feel something, I can't sing.

I love singing. I love it, and it doesn't feel like a chore. It's an expression.

To Harry Secombe: I hope you die first as I don't want you singing at my funeral.

I have felt darkness lead me by the hand Over the hill to greet the singing dawn.

Singing is something I've always loved - I'm not sure what I would do without it!

Sometimes the best moment to sing a victory song is in the middle of your battle.

Sometimes I sing along in the car, if something good is playing like Marvin Gaye.

Her singing always cheered him up. Life seemed so much brighter when she stopped.

Come live, and be merry, and join with me, To sing the sweet chorus of 'Ha ha he!

Once I started singing, I realized it was a language I'd forgotten I could speak.

I love singing, and I came to absolutely adore it in the later part of my career.

Justin Timberlake is terrific in this film. I told him it's time to stop singing.

Without music, life would be an error. The German imagines even God singing songs

On the first recording, I wasn't singing out that much; I was shy with my singing.

[On Helen Reddy:] She ought to be arrested for loitering in front of an orchestra.

The Lord of Learning who upraised mankind from being silent brutes to singing men.

I just quit in the third year of high school and started singing at amateur hours.

There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva.

Acting and singing are actually very similar because they're both telling a story.

I only know acting. But had I learnt singing earlier, I would have become a singer.

When I'm singing a song, I picture somebody in particular. A lot of it is to a guy.

First of all, I love singing. I mean, I get out of bed and I sing. I can't help it.

With singing, you get lost in the music - I go into another world when I'm singing.

I'm probably more into a more spacious, even meditative, quiet delivery of singing.

My singing is part of me, like my stoutness, or my light hair, or my poor eyesight.

Singing is what got me into everything and made me fall in love with this industry.

I had been singing since I was 3 years old, so my love of singing was always there.

Half the battle is selling music, not singing it. It's the image, not what you sing.

I would like to be remembered as a man who brought an innovation to popular singing.

I'm screaming for help and everybody's acting as if I'm singing Ethel Merman covers.

Singing is a form of meditation... apparently the only one that I have command over.

I guess at a certain point you think, well, singing is singing and acting is acting.

I have left my book, I have left my room, For I heard you singing Through the gloom.

There will be a lot of fun things happening. Looking forward to singing on the ship!

I always love to see singing on television; any form of a musical is exciting to me.

Singing wasn't a reality for me, until other people started noticing I sounded good.

With classical singing you have to put out so much air - you project, you emit force.

A cantor, when he starts singing, it's like rain - once it starts, it's hard to stop.

You must feel what you're singing, not just have a good presentation of the language.

Singing allowed me to express myself in ways that I wouldn't be able to do otherwise.

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