The way I was singing the songs was jazz

Singing is like a celebration of oxygen.

We are the ghosts of the singing furies .

I really can't imagine not singing again.

I'm just singing what I feel in my heart.

God loves to hear your singing - so sing.

Only when I was singing did I feel loved.

My daughter loves singing above all else.

It's the way we sing that makes 'em dream.

I've been singing since I was nine or ten.

We got famous off singing about a chicken.

In opera, there is always too much singing.

Megaphone in which the wind passes singing.

Put it this way: singing is not my day job.

My guitar and singing was my way of crying.

I started singing because I come from Wales

This nation loves singing and loves acting.

Somewhere, a sparrow is singing in B minor.

Birds sing after a storm. Why shouldn't we?

I enjoy singing my songs in front of people.

The Siren waits thee, singing song for song.

I stopped singing and they gave me an award.

In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing

A kiss is like singing into someone's mouth.

And wouldn't you know he'd be a singing man.

I'll only stop singing when I'm in my grave.

Singing was the big focus and outlet for me.

Singing is the lowest form of communication.

Families without songs are unhappy families.

Pretend you are dancing or singing a picture.

I made a living out of singing Mexican music.

Before I could even hold a pen I was singing.

When I'm singing the blues, I'm singing life.

Broadway is a tough, tough arena for singing.

My singing voice isn't like my speaking voice.

Singing is my profession - there is no plan B.

When I started singing, I couldn't be shut up.

I really love both acting and singing equally.

I can't remember a time when I wasn't singing.

I always seem to be singing against the grain.

Singing is best, it gives right joy to speech.

Singing is a form of admitting that I'm alive.

I've had singing lessons and plan to show off.

The singing man keepes his shop in his throate.

I like spoken-word as much as the singing word.

I've been singing, literally, since I was born.

Travelers with naught sing in the robber's face

The singing was something I got from my father.

I'm much more comfortable singing than talking.

Mr. Presley has no discernible singing ability.

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