I've been having singing lessons whenever I can fit them in.

Anybody singing the blues is in a deep pit yelling for help.

When I became 16 I started thinking seriously about singing.

But this is pretty new for me, both songwriting and singing.

And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wells.

I feel most alive when I'm singing along to old gospel music.

Anyone who's 71 years old would look ridiculous singing rock.

All Religions. All This Singing. One Song. Peace Be With You.

Find your own voice & use it, / use your own voice & find it.

Make sure your heart is singing right until the day it stops.

Now I'm more sure and I feel myself more comfortable singing.

A black man singing about a blond girl was potential trouble.

Singing someone else's songs is like keeping your clothes on.

Singing is something I can do, but it's not my first passion.

If I wasn't singing, I'd probably be, probably an accountant.

The trouble with the opera is there's always to much singing.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing.

Singing is basically a form of pleasant, controlled screaming.

I'm getting used to the singing part but not the talking part.

I just started mimicking what I heard and singing along to it.

I do not know who sings my songs / Before they are sung by me.

I don't believe in singing lessons. You can sing or you can't.

I probably learned most of my craft from singing to the radio.

But I was singing loud, and most singers weren't singing loud.

I am a creative person. I like painting, singing, dancing, etc.

The Greatest Blues Singer in the World Will Never Stop Singing.

God is not regulated to 30 minutes of accessible group singing.

When I do book readings, I always incorporate music or singing.

A skylark wounded in the wing, / A cherubim does cease to sing.

I love singing and would love to record an album at some point.

I'm conscious enough that how I'm singing is not my own accent.

I want to go to college, and I want to keep acting and singing.

I do but sing because I must; and pipe but as the linnets sing.

I really like singing, although I'm embarrassed about doing it.

I realize that singing is saving my life, once I started again.

Writing is a performance, like singing an aria or dancing a jig

The first opera I went to see was Maria Callas singing 'Tosca'.

There is delight in singing, though none hear beside the singer.

I'm always singing and dancing and getting up in people's faces.

For ever singing as they shine, The hand that made us is divine.

I started taking music lessons and singing when I was about ten.

I'm baking stories, and singing cookies, oh the tonderous wimes!

But it was the singing that pulled me in and split me wide open.

Singing is my passion and I always wanted to travel the country.

Bing Crosby sings like all people think they sing in the shower.

I will play my part by singing the spirit into every open heart.

You always will be singing a song or humming a line or a melody.

My singing led into acting, and that is how I discovered acting.

I was equally in love with singing and acting from an early age.

I started rejecting the proper way to sing and I started singing.

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