I have been singing randomly, obsessively, obnoxiously for as long as I can remember.

We were very fortunate, because we had so many hits, so we'd be singing out all hits.

I tried singing in a deeper voice by lowering my voice that used to be more delicate.

I hear the singing of the lives of women. They clear mystery, the offering, and pride.

God gave me a voice to sing with, and when you have that, what other gimmick is there?

When your target is too far away from you, continue walking singing the song you like.

I'm thinking, I'm singing like Ozzy Osbourne, but I don't sound like him enough, ever.

When I was five I was touring, singing and dancing. Always gone, always out of school.

As Mark Twain said, 'I love Wagner -- if only they'd cut out all that damned singing!'

Singing is also like acting, since I memorize my lines, and I sing with emotions, too.

I happen to think singing is hilarious, especially when it pops out at the wrong time.

Everybody [in The Beatles ] was singing at the same time and the harmonies were great.

I think I like singing when I'm singing live. It's just in the studio when it's a drag.

Shigure Sohma: singing High school girls high school girls all for me High school girls

Singing is one of the most important components to me. That's kinda how it all started.

I'm singing from my heart now more than ever. I've gotten a lot braver with my writing.

Singing with children in the schools has been the most rewarding experience of my life.

You don't have to be doing vocal acrobatics or singing all over the scale to have soul.

I disliked singing in English and neither liked the story nor the character of Cressida.

I really enjoy singing, it's entirely different to acting because I'm just being myself.

I've got quite a good brain and all that, which I've never had to use in singing at all.

I like singing live. I'm actually very confident and I want to give the best to my fans.

And oh I want so much to sing, I tell myself no. But it is so hard to keep from singing.

Throughout my career I've never worried about who will be singing my song on the screen.

Singing actually came first. As a kid, I grew up singing in church and around the house.

I started out when I was about 12, playing drums. I started singing when I was about 15.

The people who are making money are the ones who are writing and singing their own songs.

There is nothing like singing a song that 20,000 people know and are singing back to you.

I love singing Christmas carols. I know every harmony to every music-hall Christmas song.

I will confess I did none of my own singing. I did all my own costume and makeup, though.

If you go to church, and like the singing better than the preaching, that's not orthodox.

I saw the Supremes when they were still singing in little black skirts and white blouses.

When kids were busy playing at the age of 11, I was singing for the heroine of 'Shastra.'

Basically I'm always singing about the same stuff whether it's in a loud or quiet outfit.

When I'm singing, I'm happy. I'm doing what I can do and this is my contribution to life.

If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.

In my early days I was a sepia Hedy Lamarr. Now I'm black and a woman, singing my own way.

Maybe, I want her to do anything she wants, but I hope her interest in singing stays high.

Singing is a trick to get people to listen to music for longer than they would ordinarily.

He was like a song I'd heard once in fragments but had been singing in my mind ever since.

I consider myself a method singer, not a method actor. I applied method acting to singing.

I'm always nervous about singing...always. It may be one of the only things I sweat about.

What I like about singing is that, for me, it's a substitute for the psychiatrist's couch.

I don't think I'm singing. I feel like I'm playing a horn...What comes out is what I feel.

College football, acting, opera singing - I approached them all in the same obsessive way.

I saw part of The Singing Detective on TV in New York. I said, Something is going on here.

You could say singing is in our genes. Both our parents sang and made up songs constantly.

Well, I'm not going to be singing about lollipops because I no longer relate to lollipops.

it is a curious fact that camels walk more quickly and straighter to the sound of singing.

I always loved music. You know, my parents said I started singing when I was 4, in the car.

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