Win on your merit, not your skin color.

I grew up feeling people didn't look at skin color.

We want to be treated equally and not judged off our skin color.

I like to think I proved a wrestler's skin color doesn't matter.

Kinship doesn't come from skin color. It's in your soul and your mind.

We are definitely not racists; we don't care about people's skin color.

That stupid people are more violent is a fact independent of skin color.

We're one race. No matter our religion, beliefs, mother tongue, or skin color.

The only difference between me and those other great Yankees is my skin color.

Gender or skin color does not of itself determine the nature of a person's thinking.

Many people who voted for Mr. Obama in the last election did so based on skin color.

Funny, I think that the only reason I'm compared to Prince is because of my skin color.

We can't think of changing our skin color. Change the world - that's how we gotta think.

There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color or religion.

There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color, or religion.

In my family, only my brother has a similar skin color. But in Senegal, the color is common.

One of my theories is that the hearts of men are about alike, no matter what their skin color.

You cannot be defined by your skin color, where you come from. The world is yours, embrace it.

Greatness has nothing to do with diversity, skin color, race, ethnicity, nothing to do with it.

Being able to live without having to be defined by your skin color is the hallmark of privilege.

Can anything good come of a backward way of thinking like judging someone based on skin color? No way.

It's wrong to discriminate based on skin color when there are so many other reasons not to like someone.

We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.

I just can't conceive of how a person could hate another because of skin color. I love every race on the planet earth.

If you don't look at my skin color and we just go play basketball, you're not going to say I'm a white kid that can just shoot.

It is true that our skin is sort of more or less the same shade. But is it true that our skin color makes us a distinctive race? No.

In 'Futurama,' the skin color is no longer yellow. They have actually evolved to cartoon skin tone. But they still have four fingers.

I personally think my sister is so stunning without makeup. And she doesn't wear that much makeup because she has the best skin color.

If we can fathom stripping away sexual orientation, skin color, sex, we're all the exact same: We just want connection. We just want love.

I would get so angry whenever I'd notice people looking at me weirdly. They'd even stop me on the street and ask questions about my skin color.

There's something not right with a person's soul when they judge another human being to be less adequate because of their gender or skin color.

I don't care about skin the color, everybody is a human being. Beneath every skin color, you bleed red. That's just the bottom line of the truth.

Growing up, I didn't see anybody with my skin color or my background. I didn't know it was possible to have a Middle Eastern actor in a lead role.

I think the notion that we are different just because of skin color, and that we should be kept apart or kept from interbreeding, is very hurtful.

Does racism exist in this country? Sure. But I think the overwhelming majority of Americans who care about this country do not care about skin color.

My response was that more than half of Israelis are of Sephardic origin. Many of these Jews come from Arab lands and share the same physical skin color.

When I got married, my marriage was illegal in 17 states because my husband had a different skin color than I did. And we saw those laws go down one at a time.

It's hard to love yourself when you've been told your whole life that there is something wrong with you - when you are called dirty because of your skin color.

If you want to train hard enough to go to the Olympics, then you're going to go out, and you're going to do it. It doesn't matter what skin color or who you are.

I've stayed away from doing 'urban film' because I just don't relate to the characters. I'm not going to take a role because I happen to have the same skin color.

Whether I realize it or not, I have benefitted from my skin color and my gender - and those of a different gender or sexuality or skin color have suffered because of it.

What makes us different? Well, besides our skin color and our nationality and maybe our religion, nothing. We all want the same thing, we all want to have success in America.

I very much dislike the word "race," and I never use it. I use the word "racist." Race is not a fact. There is only one race: human. Skin color is less than 2 percent of the DNA.

So here we are today with a new conversation. When University of Georgia plays Georgia Tech, it's uniform color versus skin color. We have - we've overcome that level of racial fear.

I come from an interracial family: My father is from Nigeria, and so he is African-American, and my mother is American and white, so I rarely see skin color. It's never an issue for me.

I have never figured out how women work but I do know that their skin color has no significance. Black or white, every last one is pretty pink on the inside and they are all impossible.

It makes me furious to hear haters of all skin colors - especially Christian, Jewish, and Muslim fundamentalists - deride other people because of their different beliefs and lifestyles.

Race and sexual preferences are two different things. One is behavior-related and preference-related, and one is something inherently - skin color, something obvious, that kind of stuff.

Race and sexual preferences are two different things. One is a behavior-related and preference-related and one is something inherently - skin color, something obvious, that kind of stuff.

It's my job to accept my youth, to spread my story, to let people know who I am as an individual, because there's so many people who are blinded and think less of me because of my skin color.

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