I love thigh highs, heels, shorts, or a skirt.

If I find a cute skirt, I'm not fixated on a brand.

I know what I'm doing even when I'm wearing a pencil skirt.

I will be a president in a skirt, but I will wear the pants.

Obviously, you've never seen a woman skydiving in a hoop skirt.

The art world's quite elitist. I tend to skirt around that world.

To go clubbing, I wear a short denim skirt paired with a white shirt.

I got in trouble in Catholic school for rolling the waist of my skirt down.

Shakespeare has great ability to skirt around a subject and portray human nature.

I was actually a very confident little kid. I would go to kindergarten in a skirt.

Pairing a sequin mini skirt with a velvet long sleeved bodysuit can never go wrong!

I have good legs, so I prefer my skirt lengths and my high heels. It's like my uniform.

The worst was when my skirt fell down to my ankles, but I had on thick tights underneath.

You should have seen me in my Catholic school girl skirt with my knees knocking together.

I would have liked to invent the plain white shirt, with a skirt and pants to go with it.

The problem is that we have evil people who try to skirt the laws. And that's the problem.

Don't let anyone make you believe the length of your skirt is a measure of your character.

Tremendous amounts of talent are lost to our society just because that talent wears a skirt.

A blouse that hits at the hips or above will keep you from seeming shapeless in a flowy skirt.

Mini dresses that have an over skirt of tulle makes it traditional and modern at the same time.

I think palazzos are very comfortable. It looks like a skirt, yet you can sit in them for hours.

I used to start re-arranging my school uniform, hitching up my skirt to be more exciting-looking.

Cameron Diaz was so cute at the MTV Movie Awards when she pulled her skirt up and wiped her armpits.

What was the competition? Well, I remember this Puerto Rican who came out in a short skirt and a gun.

You don't always have to opt for a dress on a night out - a sequin pencil skirt can be far more chic.

I always travel with a fun skirt, a go-to dress you can dress up or down; walking heels & flats are a must.

My favorite thing is a black sweater and skirt, which you can wear all the time by changing the accessories.

In school, I would always be uncomfortable because my skirt would expose my thin, chicken legs and wiry hands.

A good sermon should be like a woman's skirt: short enough to arouse interest but long enough to cover the essentials.

You don't need to wear Spanx if you buy my clothes. The dress, the trousers, the pencil skirt - they should do the work.

There is Twitter outrage at everything. Be it a pair of trousers or a short skirt, somebody, somewhere, will not like it.

As a child, I was prancing around in my mother's high heels and a ra-ra skirt, singing 'Material Girl' into my hairbrush.

Whether I'm in a sari or a mini skirt hardly matters as long as the role I do in a film is substantial and makes a difference.

I like to stay cool and comfortable. If I'm going out, then I might wear a nice sundress or skirt to keep from getting too hot.

I don't like to experiment a lot - so jeans with a ganji, ethnic skirt with a nice top, long jackets, dresses is my go-to style.

I stress out so much about the red carpet and interviews and pictures, and, you know, not getting my skirt tucked in my knickers.

It would have been very easy for me to put on a little tight skirt and go out and try what I always call the 'Barbie doll' roles.

I always dreamt of being a girl. One of my earliest memories is spinning around in my mom's skirt trying to look like a ballerina.

Sexiness today is not about having a perfect body and wearing a tight mini skirt; it's about what you don't show that's truly sexy.

I was 50 when I had my first show, so I was never on television with a short skirt or decollete; I never tried to look or be younger.

If men wanted to look good in a skirt, they would need the body of an African. And the colour. A skirt with white, skinny legs. Horrible!

If I had my druthers, I would be a brain in a jar, with a burlap skirt around the cart I'm on - I don't attend to my physical being much.

When I am doing a role, I don't think that I am getting to wear a mini skirt or show my stomach. I am doing a role because I am an actor.

I enjoy wearing a saree more than a mini skirt and maybe that has come off as bad acting in some of my films, because I didn't fit in there.

It's an incredibly liberating feeling to have a skirt on. In fact, I know you can buy skirts, and you can buy work kilts and all sorts of stuff.

I'm used to a lot of love scenes. I'm used to something that requires me to kick up my heels and wink-wink, flirt-flirt with a twirl of my skirt.

I love a classic, white silk shirt with dark trousers or jeans or a dark, knee-length skirt: timeless clothes that are not too fussy always work.

I think most short story writers, at one time or another, over the course of several books, naturally skirt near the edge of one genre or another.

If I were going to prom again, I would wear a huge skirt and plain cotton tank. A big, poofy, flotation-device-sized skirt. I wish I had done that.

We are very lucky to work in fashion and not work in a hospital or something where the biggest deal we come across is perhaps the length of a skirt.

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