I'm not a sore loser.

During the season, I'm sore everywhere.

To touch a sore is to renew one's grief.

A lack of electrolytes can make muscles sore.

My sore throats are always worse than anyone's.

I have a perfect cure for a sore throat: cut it.

Let's be honest, I've never said I wasn't a sore loser.

My mouth is sore from continually extracting my foot from it.

It's a bit of a sore spot, the Thanksgiving in Indian country.

A wise doctor does not mutter incantations over a sore that needs the knife.

If I have a fizzy drink and an ice cream, I get a sore tummy and a headache.

An agent is a person who is sore because an actor gets 90% of what they make.

I don't get sore. If you're working out every day, you're not going to be sore.

I'm allergic to caffeine. When I have it, my throat gets sore, and I get a rash.

God stands out in the universe as the most glaring of all superfluous sore thumbs.

People where we come from hear so many lies that the truth stands out like a sore thumb.

Laugh at your friends, And if your friends are sore; So much the better, You may laugh the more.

You can't really sit around when you're sore. You've got to get up and work all that lactic acid out.

The poor monkey, quietly seated on the ground, seemed to be in sore trouble at this display of anger.

I make sure I'm smiling every day, I'm laughing every day, no matter how sore or achy I am or whatever.

A good listener is not someone with nothing to say. A good listener is a good talker with a sore throat.

I've always been proud to be different, I've always stood out like a sore thumb and I always have not given a damn.

I never get sick - not a cold, not a cough or sore throat. Everyone around me can be hacking up a lung, and I'm fine.

I have a personal trainer who comes over at least four times a week and kicks my butt. I get so sore that I can't even walk.

As a European I had fit in almost seamlessly in New York for the last 25 years, but in Oklahoma I stood out like a sore thumb.

I had a sore throat for a long time and it scared me. I saw a lump in my throat and I was terrified. I wouldn't go to a doctor.

My arm came back just as quickly as it went sore on me in 1915. I awoke one morning and learned I could throw without pain again.

Sometimes if you kick too much, it can work in a negative direction. If you get tired or sore, you might develop some bad habits.

I consider myself an athlete. I train like an athlete, I eat like an athlete, I recover and get sore just like any other athlete.

I am a sore loser. It's not that I'm so competitive with others. But I'm competitive with myself. I like to do better than I did before.

As a heavyweight, I've not missed dieting. Those days where you're sore or tired, it makes me feel happy to know I can eat a bar of chocolate.

I grew up on antibiotics. Every ailment - sore throats, earaches, flus - warranted a trip to the doctor and in most cases some kind of prescription.

I can throw a football all day and my arm doesn't get tired. If I throw a baseball more than a certain amount of time, it's going to get a little sore.

I stuck out like a sore thumb when I came on, just by the fact that I looked so different. I think that adjustment for the audience was a hurdle for me.

The fact that I'm obviously well enough to be playing - in fine fettle and fine singing voice, yet I am not playing with The Libertines - is a sore point.

What I don't miss is the travelling, the late games, the back-to-backs, the not being able to sleep well. Being tired or sore, I don't miss that part at all.

We should always remember that Fox News will stick out like a sore thumb no matter what the other news outlets do, and that has to be recognized as an issue.

When I played sports, if you lose the game, and then you complain, that makes you a sore loser. That doesn't make you protester - that just makes you a whiner.

It's a sport, you've got to push hard and you've got to get after it. You can't complain, you can't be a sore loser and all this shoulda, coulda, woulda stuff.

I'm more thoughtful and aware of how my body feels. I've learned the difference of what is just sore from a hard workout or what's sore from a possible injury.

I know I'm the greatest, and like I said, I ain't here to be average. I always wanted to stick out as a sore thumb, so that's what I'm doing. It's just confidence.

Someone once told me I'm a sore winner, and they're right. I rarely take more than a moment to enjoy a success before I'm moving on and looking for the next challenge.

I never don't have a good time. Even when I go to work with a cold or a sore throat, as soon as I hit the mark and walk out that door, everything else is gone, and I'm up.

From afar, I have cried watching my nation, sore with prejudice, slowly heal itself. I hurt along with America, my phantom pains only alleviated by work I do every day - art.

MMA makes you sore and tired every day. I wonder what we're going to be like when we're 50 or 60. I wake up some mornings and just say, 'Oh, God.' And then I go scuba diving.

For a sore throat I take arnica, just a tiny pill dissolved under my tongue. And because your throat is like a muscle, I keep mine warm drinking herbal teas, usually camomile.

And it will fall out as in a complication of diseases, that by applying a remedy to one sore, you will provoke another; and that which removes the one ill symptom produces others.

Anywhere we go in the States, people know we're from out of town: like, we stick out like sore thumbs. People are like, 'Freaks! Go cut your hair!' and whatever. It's a little weird.

I had real big boobs, and I just got tired of knocking over stuff. Every time I eat, 'Oh, Lord'. I'd carry a Tide stick everywhere I go. My back was sore, so it was time to have a reduction.

If the arm got sore, we went out and pitched until the soreness left - we had to, or we would have been dropped from the team. Nothing short of a broken leg could have kept us out of uniform.

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