Om is the bow, the arrow is soul.

Only the soul knows what love is.

Memory is the scribe of the soul.

Everything is soul and flowering.

I have sold my soul to the devil.

Habits are qualities of the soul.

My heart and soul is still music.

Despatch is the soul of business.

Virtue is the health of the soul.

Dispatch is the soul of business.

Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.

Sin is whatever obscures the soul.

Addiction is a revolt of the soul.

We are all but instruments of God.

Intuition is seeing with the soul.

I am a missionary, heart and soul.

Mirth cannot move a soul in agony.

Only love makes fruitful the soul.

The church is the gym of the soul.

Discipline is the soul of an army.

Your body is the harp of the soul.

This souls'prison we call England.

Who says soul has only one colour?

I sold my soul to the devil in L.A

Hope is the adrenalin of the soul.

I'd sell my soul for a good cause.

A soul can create only when alone.

The will to do, the soul to dare..

Souls have neither Sex nor Colour.

Sit quietly and open up to spirit.

How precious are the souls of men!

Souls live on in perpetual echoes.

The soul circumscribes all things.

The soul is timeless and nonlocal.

Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.

Idleness is the enemy of the soul.

The body is the garden of the soul.

When the ego dies, the soul awakes.

Body and soul. Two different things

Where does a black soul go to rest?

Imagination is the eye of the soul.

What your soul needs is a check up.

Greatness is a spiritual condition.

Faith is the soul riding at anchor.

Mediocrity is beneath a brave soul.

The audible, not visible.

I spill my bright incalculable soul

We all have souls of different ages

Dismiss whatever insults your soul.

How much did you get for your soul?

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