Reason is the Soul of the Law.

I fed my ego, but not my soul.

Envy is the ulcer of the soul.

Silence does good to the soul.

Great souls endure in silence.

Each man's soul is his genius.

Faith is the soul's adventure.

Love is the oxygen of the soul

She was by nature a sunny soul

Pajamas are good for the soul.

In quietness the soul expands.

Climbing had captured my soul.

I have a woman inside my soul.

Prayer unites the soul to God.

Heaven is satisfied curiosity.

Slander is poison to the soul.

Prayer is a shield to the soul

The pawn is the soul of chess.

So now the devil's in my soul.

There's no soul in perfection.

Choice is destiny's soul mate.

A dry soul is wisest and best.

Work for your own soul's sake.

Music is the soul of language.

Digression is the soul of wit.

My soul is all an aching void.

Excellence nourishes the soul.

Great souls suffer in silence.

The devil wanders into my soul.

The soul is known by it's acts.

Wait, and thy soul shall speak.

I grew up listening to old soul

She was the captain of her soul

We writers are resilient souls.

Prayer is the life of the soul.

reading is the soul's salvation

Time is the soul of this world.

To conform is to lose your soul

The soul of a murderer is blind

Distance is the soul of beauty.

Water is the soul of the Earth.

A certain blue enters your soul

Combination is a soul of chess.

I suppose I'm just an old soul.

Greed has poisoned men's souls.

Shame is a soul eating emotion.

Baseball is a game of the soul.

Souls are not saved in bundles.

Will is the dynamic soul-force.

Smell is the voice of the soul.

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