...there is no old age of the soul.

In trees, I see expression and soul

Emotions are the color of the soul.

The pedal is the soul of the piano.

Conflict is the soul of literature.

The soul is the prison of the body.

I'm just a restless soul musically.

Responsibility is good for your soul

A temple is a landscape of the soul.

Your body is the child of your soul.

Sensuality is the death of the soul.

Writing is the geometry of the soul.

Curiosity is the thirst of the soul.

I grow silent. Dear soul, you speak.

Meditation is a doorway to the soul.

The day was dark as a lawyer's soul.

My soul is not a palace of the past.

Repentance is the vomit of the soul.

The gods love those of ordered soul.

the soul of conversation is sympathy

Giving into anger destroys the soul.

Occupation is the armor of the soul.

Naught but God Can satisfy the soul.

Loneliness is a darkness of the soul

...my soul bleeding tears of anguish

Dance is the mathematics of the Soul

Your Horse is a mirror to your soul.

Two souls dwell, alas! in my breast.

The soul has many motions, body one.

Justice is the soul of the universe.

What's in your soul is in your soul.

I drink to keep body and soul apart.

Encouragement is oxygen for the soul

Silence is refreshment for the soul.

Music is the can-opener of the soul.

You fog the mind, you stir the soul.

Punish the body to perfect the soul.

You are the soul that fits into mine

The purse is the mirror of the soul.

All souls can find the truth within.

The soul shares not the body's test.

The Eyes are the window to your soul

The soul is the truth of who we are.

Emotions are the colors of the soul.

Punctuality is the soul of business.

But in a story I can steal her soul.

Creativity is the firing of my soul.

How we need another soul to cling to.

Repartee is the soul of conversation.

Life is just a chance to grow a soul.

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