Most of my memories are the sound of rain on caravan roofs.

I am not a sound bite person. I prefer to run at the mouth.

Slang in a woman's mouth is not obscene, it only sounds so.

I'm definitely going to miss hearing the sound of that gun.

It may sound trite, but young people really are the future.

My music doesn't sound punk, but I see it as a punk action.

'Yeezus,' I really love it. I think the sound of it is cool.

Spilling your guts is just exactly as charming as it sounds.

The goal is to make something that sounds new and different.

I wanted to explore sound, rather than composition and form.

I hate everything I do. I hate my voice. I sound like a guy.

The young never take anything seriously if it sounds simple.

At the ancient pond the frog plunges into the sound of water

the lonliest sound in the world is other people making love.

What is the sound of an eighty-nine-year-old heart breaking?

Love is two minutes and fifty-two seconds of squishy sounds.

Music is the application of sounds to the canvas of silence.

The sound and music are 50% of the entertainment in a movie.

The sound of a word is at least as important as the meaning.

I became aware that all sounds can make meaningful language.

When I sound real, I'm fake, and when I sound fake, I'm real.

Sound opinions are valueless. What matters is who holds them.

The empty vessel giveth a greater sound than the full barrel.

The composer...joins Heaven and Earth with threads of sounds.

So I like that sound, but I am not interested in being retro.

Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one.

You always want an album to sound like its own little planet.

I hate to sound this way but, 'Why me? Why me with dementia?'

I'm not afraid of retirement. Retirement sounds like a blast.

'Horse thunder' is what I call the sound of galloping hooves.

As hard as I try to sound tough and dark, I still sound cute.

I love a visceral sound, the kind that hits you in the belly.

Once a man has some money, peace begins to sound good to him.

I know it sounds so lame, but the songs are like my children.

Young, gay and stuck in Arkansas? Sounds like a horror flick.

Nobody sounds good writing about your divorce, let's face it.

Silence is not the absence of sound, but the absence of self.

There are people who don't say a thing and sound magnificent!

In life, a lot of great ideas sound insane or absurd at first.

Imprisoned in a cage of sound, even the trivial seems profound

A sound so fine, there 's nothing lives 'Twixt it and silence.

A sound heart is a surer guide than an ill-trained conscience.

If no one heard your sounds then you did not really make them.

Her cry was the saddest sound of orgasm that I had ever heard.

If you're not Prince, you're never going to sound like Prince.

A deal of the world's sound happiness is lost through Shyness.

Logic is to grammar what the sense of words is to their sound.

Young leaves The sound of a waterfall Heard from far and near.

Joao Gilberto on guitar could read a newspaper and sound good.

Where thou art gone, adieus and farewells are a sound unknown.

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