Rock n' roll is poison put to sound.

It takes some silence to make sound.

I like the sound a typewriter makes.

Pay attention to the sound of words.

The sweeter sound of woman's praise.

She sounds like a screeching ex-wife.

Music always sounds better on Friday.

Everyone has said I got my own sound.

Sound comes out of a life experience.

I used to hate the sound of my voice.

I've seen miracles happen with sound.

The sound of life has divine silence.

Music without a message is just sound

Let argument bear no unmusical sound.

My first love was the sound of guitar.

To me no profitable speech sounds ill.

Music is what our feelings sound like.

Music is the crystallization of sound.

Stern Winter loves a dirge-like sound.

I do consider sounds as living things.

All the words of wisdom sound the same.

Music is the human treatment of sounds.

I'm trying to make myself sound better.

Madison Square Garden sounds like crap.

Laugh because that is the purest sound.

There's been a progression in my sound.

The idea behind stamped money is sound.

It's all about sound. It's that simple.

Republic. I like the sound of the word.

Sound loves to revel in a summer night.

I love your name. I love the sound of it

Listen to the sound of waves within you.

Jack the sound barrier. Bring the noise.

If only you could hear the sound of snow

Hearts can break and never make a sound.

I want to live like music sounds."- Ruth

The truth often does sound unconvincing.

I sound like an evangelist or something.

The sound of loneliness makes me happier.

Sound will be the medicine of the future.

And empty heads console with empty sound.

Money for me has only one sound: liberty.

I sound like Homer. I mean Winslow Homer.

The sound must seem an echo to the sense.

Listen to the sound of the earth turning.

I'll know when I find the ultimate sound.

The empty vessel makes the loudest sound.

One sound blow will serve to undo us all.

I got my own sound; nobody sounds like me.

Your argument is sound, nothing but sound.

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