Maybe the gruffness and anger can be done with a purity of sound.

I never consciously tried to conceive of what my sound should be.

The disco sound, you must see, is not art or anything so serious.

Let the bugles sound the Truce of God to the whole world forever.

Sounds like the blues are composed of feeling, finesse, and fear.

These new bands sound like Gang of Four — if Gang of Four sucked.

Practice should always be based upon a sound knowledge of theory.

Music is an expression of sound that reflects the beauty of life.

Give the instruments a chance - their sounds are quite beautiful.

It sounds so trite but in relationships, you have to communicate.

He has the finest, fundamentally sound golf swing I've ever seen.

If everybody was lyrical, everybody's songs would sound the same.

I think that every record has its own life and a different sound.

If you don't know who I am, I probably make a sound you may like.

I hate that word blog It sounds like a large accumulation of snot

Poverty made a sound like a wet cough in the shadows of the room.

Some records are timeless, and some absolutely sound of their day.

I hate to sound like an old fuddy duddy, but the game has changed.

Is she okay? I mean, no offense, she sounds more mental than I do.

I look good. I feel good and not to sound conceited I sound great.

I don't want to sound too cocky. But I consider myself superwoman.

We need to hear the sound of our voice for what we think and need.

Darkness is to space what silence is to sound, i.e., the interval.

I love the smell of rain, and I love the sound of the ocean waves.

That music in itself, whose sounds are song, The poetry of speech.

There is no sound so terrible as a man's sorrow for his own death.

If you're a good singer, you're going to make anything sound good.

How difficult it is to sound persuasive at the top of one's voice!

I did surveillance a lot, which sounds exciting, but it never was.

I think smells, like sounds, can be so much immediately affecting.

Quiet is the absence of sound. Silence is the presence of silence.

Still, the word "boyfriend" starts to sound pathetic after age 30.

I only sound intelligent when there's a good script writer around.

Being articulate, my parents could make anything sound reasonable.

If you can make art with sound, can't you make music with objects?

God tells me how the music should sound, but you stand in the way.

The trio is the biggest sound you can have with the smallest unit.

I know sound, and this is what I'm going to stick to: what I know.

My body is an ugly masterpiece that lives off the beauty of sound.

People say that I could sing the phone book and make it sound good.

The mass gross absence of sound in space is more than just silence.

Naw, it's like ants up there, man. Like ants that sound like lions!

I'm disturbed because the doctors tell me I'm as sound as a dollar.

Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilised into time and tune.

Brute animals have the vowel sounds; man only can utter consonants.

It sounds bad, but they don't care about your age if you're famous.

It was a tiny sound but it woke me up because it was a human sound.

I just want to serve people. I know it sounds like a simple cliche.

Bacon's the best, even the frying of bacon sounds like an applause.

Any time you talk about your own stuff you sound self-aggrandising.

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