My main income is from speaking.

My greatest fear is speaking in public.

Speaking is physically difficult for me.

I never found it frustrating not speaking.

I think I know it all, relatively speaking.

There is a pride in speaking this language.

I do some broadcasting and speaking as well.

I'm terrified by speaking in front of people!

Prayer is the spirit speaking truth to Truth.

My singing voice isn't like my speaking voice.

I'm not one to shy away from speaking my mind.

We just speaking stuff into existence, on God.

I like working-class people, generally speaking.

I want God to be speaking louder than the music.

Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms.

I'll ask you if you can play some speaking roles.

Public speaking? I speak to myself on the street!

We know that our cells are speaking to each other.

Fundamentally speaking, bodies age; feelings don't.

Speaking up for America has become a lonely ordeal.

You are not speaking for yourself, but for Ireland.

I do have to travel a lot for speaking engagements.

Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man.

No one is speaking about the Arab citizens of Israel.

This is Red Barber speaking. Let me say hello to you all.

An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely classifies him.

I'm engaging my diaphragm as I'm speaking to you right now.

But generally speaking, I tend to be quiet and introspective.

If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well.

No man pleases by silence; many I please by speaking briefly.

Basically speaking, conducting is quite a healthy profession.

He that has a great nose, thinks everybody is speaking of it.

A good portion of speaking will consist in knowing how to lie.

I don't know if speaking to a therapist is right for everyone.

I'm speaking for all of us. I'm the spokesman for a generation.

Silence is ever speaking; it is the perennial flow of language.

Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

I was working for the CIA and prohibited from speaking publicly.

Generally speaking, actors are allowed NO input. Actors are dumb.

I've always known my own mind, and I'm not shy about speaking it.

You've got to guard against speaking more clearly than you think.

You can express a lot of things, a lot of action without speaking.

Musicians understand each other through means other that speaking.

Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth.

But I'm a big, firm believer in speaking everything into existence.

The kind of audience I'm speaking to is a very wide range of people.

Speaking two languages fluently makes each language not so important.

There's something so healthy about young people speaking up in unity.

I grew up speaking both languages, and for me that's really important.

For singers, our singing voice is our natural voice, not the speaking.

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