Ghosts, like ladies, never speak till spoke to.

The streets spoke to me in a way that religion didn't.

I was a brash player, and I spoke my mind on the court.

I've always done yoga but I never really spoke about it.

When my father spoke, it was to say something meaningful.

God spoke to you by so many voices but you would not hear.

Trump spoke badly about women... It sparked worldwide reactions.

And I spoke out on women's rights, like equal pay for equal work.

You might say I was a little bit more outspoken... I spoke my mind.

Peter remained very quiet and shy, but when he spoke it made sense.

The themes and ideas embedded in 'Into the Woods' always spoke to me.

I had a relationship with John Wooden. I spoke at his memorial service.

I spoke without fear of contradiction. I simply did not suffer self-doubt.

When I was under house arrest, it was the BBC that spoke to me - I listened.

I got all A's and was hated for it; I spoke correctly and was called a punk.

The people of Butler Island spoke to me and demanded I bear witness for them.

Jules Bianchi was my racing godfather, and he spoke a lot to Ferrari about me.

My parents were both storytellers. They always spoke with metaphorical richness.

It is a travesty that I have to stand trial because I spoke about fewer Moroccans.

I went by myself to Hollywood, I spoke no English, every day I had to go to school.

I always spoke my mind, and that was a result of the music I listened to growing up.

For 16 years I spoke in trial metaphors, and perhaps I need to get out of that habit.

I was the first candidate to come out against this war, spoke at every anti-war march.

Kanye and I spoke of working together and started an idea that we didn't get to finish.

Well, I like how people talk. I like language. You know, Linda Richman spoke in Yiddish.

I stumbled into soul music at a very young age. It had something that really spoke to me.

Elvis Presley's music never meant anything to me. Mambo was the music I loved - it spoke to me.

Even though I grew up in America, at home we spoke mostly Chinese, because my mom is from Taiwan.

I watched 'Rocky' and 'Raging Bull' and 'Taxi Driver' over and over again. They spoke to you, man.

My mom used to call me a parrot, because the way I spoke would change in every country we'd go to.

If the Pope spoke out with moral authority against violent Islam, I would be there cheering him on.

Just imagine how different the world could be if we all spoke to everyone with respect and kindness.

I think 'Bittersweet' is one of the best songs ever written. The idea of it just really spoke to me.

If anything, I've thought of myself as Scandinavian. Particularly, Danish. We spoke English at home.

When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome... and then, of course, you spoke.

Of the authors published under Ballantine's Adult Fantasy logo, only Evangeline Walton 'spoke' to me.

God spoke to me and called me to His Service. What form this service was to take the voice did not say.

And as he spoke of understanding, I looked up and saw the rainbow leap with flames of many colors over me.

I spoke to a million in one service, in Korea, in Seoul. And that was the largest audience I ever have had.

From one till seven, when we moved to England, I spoke only Portuguese. But I can't speak a word of it now.

Even after facing jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. courageously and boldly spoke out against racial inequality.

I really felt Dortmund was the right club for me. They spoke to me and said the right things I wanted to hear.

Marvin Gaye is one of my favorite revolutionaries. He spoke from his heart, his mind. That's what I want to do.

I learned my French through school. I was lucky in that the tutor on 'The Wonder Years' set spoke fluent French.

The Greenham women left home for peace: 'Not in our name!' they cried. And in doing so, they spoke for millions.

I spoke English at school and Spanish at home, and I'm always eating Dominican food, listening to Dominican music.

I wanted to make music that spoke to me, without having the expectation of success that comes with Lady Antebellum.

Christopher Lloyd was actually the first person - or certainly one of the first few - who ever spoke to me on film.

Obama spoke so slowly because he, a clever and cultured man, had constantly to be on his guard against sounding it.

It was very difficult to leave Argentina when I was kid, so I only spoke Spanish for the first six years of my life.

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