I love working with sponsors.

I'd love to sponsor a dolphin.

I lost a lot of money with sponsors.

The Iranian state sponsors radicalism.

You don't raise kids. You raise carrots. You sponsor kids.

The longest word in the world is "a word from our sponsor."

I have no sponsors because I am not blond, tall and slim enough

Mentors and sponsors are beneficial for personal and career growth.

Finding a sponsor is the toughest part of racing, tougher than driving.

I've always supported the DREAM Act. I'm a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act.

No one wants to be the creator with the reputation for bad mouthing sponsors!

We need strong personalities and only one world champion to attract sponsors.

If you think I've got a lot of sponsors, you should see the stuff I turn down.

I had no support, no opportunity, no sponsors backing me for most of my career.

I knew that life isn't always just about the Olympic gold medals and the sponsors.

The networks have to answer to their sponsors. That's the difficult thing you learn.

I didn't get any crazy sponsors. I don't have any extra sponsors since I got the belt.

Camp is a solvent of morality. It neutralizes moral indignation, sponsors playfulness.

Oakley and Burton have been my main sponsors since '87. I've been riding for both of them.

I am out there to put on the best performance I can for my sponsors and my team and my fans.

People actually get sponsors based on the merits of the Cup, not on the merits of the sailors.

Maybe now that we have the same sponsor in Remington we can spend some time together outdoors.

Sponsors and networks will really go all out and simply evaluate people on the basis of talent.

Every GP Masters race will stand out because we will be available for fans, media and sponsors.

Death is real. Death changes things. Everything else is filler, merely a message from our sponsor.

When I went pro at 13, I had plenty of sponsors that give me endorsement deals and stuff like that.

Even in music concerts in Mumbai and different parts of the world, seats are reserved for sponsors.

I wanted to be a professional motor racer. It was only due to lack of sponsors that I could not do it.

I want to do well for myself and my sponsors... but I feel no pressure, because I don't play for the money.

A lot of people don't know the USOC is not government funded and they are always looking for support from sponsors.

The Masters is a very important tournament. You don't want to jeopardize your chances. The sponsors understand that.

Get every candidate to wear a NASCAR racing suit when they go debate; this way we can see how their sponsors really are.

I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe, Palestinian students sponsor and nurture anti-Semitism.

It's a poor bureaucrat who can't stall a good idea until even its sponsor is relieved to see it dead and officially buried.

You can't cuss on TV. It does hurt your brand if you do stuff like that. That's not what blue chip sponsors are looking for.

I'm thrilled I have the opportunity to do the Spread show and have the terrific sponsors that we work with like Nikon or Verizon.

When I stripped myself completely of pressure and thoughts of sponsors and realized I only love to climb, that's the day I did it.

I'm not the kind of guy that really buys clothing. I'm lucky. Most of the time, if I want something, I can get it from my sponsors.

I'm thrilled I have the opportunity to do the 'Spread' show and have the terrific sponsors that we work with like Nikon or Verizon.

People need to be in charge of their development plan. They need to seek out their sponsors and their mentors and be very strategic.

On the U.S.A. team our income wasn't coming from U.S.A. It was coming from sponsors, it was coming from how we made money elsewhere.

The lowest I've ever made - and this was on the prelims - was 35 grand on a fight. I've made upwards of 80 grand on a fight on sponsors.

If we broaden the audience for cricket, more people will be interested in all forms, then TV rights and sponsors and crowds will follow.

I'm really happy in the Premier League, everything's good at home with the family and sponsors and everything. Life can't be any better.

Television could perform a great service in mass education, but there's no indication its sponsors have anything like this on their minds.

When I go back to France now I spend all the my time with press and sponsors. I do not have a lot of time to spend at home with my family.

In Bellator, they don't attack you for your sponsors. They get you sponsors. They don't get mad at you for doing movies. They get you movies.

Sometimes we complain about being on the road all the time, from tournaments to exhibitions and sponsors' appearances, but really it's a doddle.

Sometimes I play for the media, sometimes for the fans, sometimes for my sponsors, and sometimes it's for my family. Really, I play for everyone.

If you go out there and your main purpose is to get a sponsor, then it's not gonna work. Just go out there and have fun. That's how I got sponsored.

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