Life for me ain't been no crystal stair

I don't do stairs. And I don't do groups.

I use stairs and walk as much as possible.

I was not up stairs when he came home; no, sir.

Get your runtcheeks down those stairs, right now

Failures are the stairs we climb to reach success.

The elevator to success is broken, take the stairs.

I was going to come in and push you down the stairs.

Never look backwards or you'll fall down the stairs.

I was on the stairs coming down when she let him in.

Every right quote is a golden stair to enlightenment!

You beat a woman and drag her down a flight of stairs.

The best time of love, is when one goes up the stairs.

Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience.

His very foot has music in 't As he comes up the stairs.

An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs.

Jazz is like a great blues band that fell down the stairs

There might be too many stairs to go up; ignore the stairs!

I love my body. And if I didn't, I'd get on the Stair Master

I trip walking down the stairs, but I can skate them probably.

Sorry, I don't do castles. I hate those winding turret stairs.

I took the stairs and felt like my childhood took the elevator.

The mongoose I want under the stairs when the snakes slither by.

I'm a freewheeling flower-child falling down the stairs constantly.

I like to run, to go down the stairs, I'm one of those kind of people.

If you want to buy my wares Follow me and climb the stairs... Love for sale.

A nice quick workout is the stairs; it takes me five minutes to do 24 floors.

Two things are bad for the heart - running up stairs and running down people.

No amount of smiling at a flight of stairs has ever made it turn into a ramp.

I'm neurotic about children. I see dangers everywhere - sharp corners, stairs.

I climbed like a billion stairs... its not like I can take them two at a time.

The world is made of stairs, and there are those who go up and those who go down.

To ask me is in vain; For who goes up your winding stair Can ne'er come down again.

We are all on the stairs, my friend; some of us are going down, some us are going up!

Ask dumb questions and listen quietly for the answers. That's a wisdom stair climber.

Good-bye Dr. Steve,' I said, then climbed the stairs and went to the fifth floor to die.

Now, finally has the elevator arrived. The stairs was about to become a personal inferno.

I'll come down the stairs, and my parents and sister will be like, 'What are you wearing?'

The truly ambitious are always as busy on the landings as they are breathless on the stairs.

The Queen is the only person who can put on a tiara with one hand, while walking down stairs.

When I first came down stairs, for two or three minutes I went down cellar to the water closet.

If you can find a frock you look nice in and can run up three flights of stairs, you're not fat.

I've been pushed down many flights of stairs in my time, but I always manage to find an elevator

I never have wit until I am below stairs. [Fr., Je n'ai jamais d'esprit qu'au bas de l'escalier.]

Start climbing the stairs without thinking how steep are the stairs or how many stairs are there!

I said I thought first I was on the stairs; then I remembered I was in the kitchen when he came in.

I try to mix it up! I do a little Pilates. I do a little Cardio Barre; sometimes I run or do the stairs.

I don't like two stories. I like one story. I never grew up with stairs. I like to stick to what I know.

We climbed the stairs to the third floor, where Osama bin Laden died early in the morning of May 2, 2011.

This machine, the wheelchair, I can go all over the place, but you need a place without stairs to get in.

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