There is a statue of limitation.

There are no statues erected to critics.

No one ever erected a statue of a critic.

Nobody ever built a statue to a committee.

No statue has ever been put up to a critic.

Guantanamo Bay is the anti-Statue of Liberty.

One day you're the statue. One day you're the pigeon.

When my journal appears, many statues must come down.

I base jumped off the Jesus statue in Rio de Janeiro.

I think the Statue of David is pretty sexy. I'd do him.

We build statues out of snow, and weep to see them melt.

Bodies devoid of mind are as statues in the market place.

Statues of sports stars are all the rage - especially in baseball.

It seems strange to me that someone thought of making marble statues.

Your work is carved out of agony as a statue is carved out of marble.

Many have lived on a pedestal who will never have a statue when dead.

I've been all over the world and I've never seen a statue of a critic.

Confederate statues belong in a historical museum, not in a place of honor.

Delhi has statues and busts of so many politicians. But what about our artistes?

I've searched all the parks in all the cities and found no statues of committees.

Mobs in the street tearing down Ulysses S. Grant statues is a really chilling sight.

People who look at Greek statues never say it's a shame because they're not complete.

The statues of Lenin and Stalin are down, but the fight against their ghosts seems harder.

Statues and pictures and verse may be grand, But they are not the Life for which they stand.

I'm not going to waste my time worrying about these Confederate statues. That's wasted energy.

We have destroyed 80 percent of the statues. There is only small amount left and we will destroy that soon.

He once begged alms of a statue, and, when asked why he did so, replied, "To get practice in being refused."

I went to the museum where they had all the heads and arms from the statues that are in all the other museums.

I'm always caught up in the thrill of award season: The golden statues, the glamorous stars, and the fabulous gowns.

I would have liked to be a comedian in the '20s, or maybe even a comedian on the Mayflower and have a statue somewhere.

I can't imagine what it is like to be raised in a society where their only statues that exist are to you and your father.

In an imperfect world, full of imperfect leaders, there are countless statues that may not live up to our American values.

The monuments of the nations are all protests against nothingness after death; so are statues and inscriptions; so is history.

Nothing takes the sting out of these tough economic times like watching a bunch of millionaires giving golden statues to each other.

Presenting statues of honor to reporters for covering an earthquake is like presenting a first prize to a doctor for performing surgery.

There will be statues of Bill Gates across the Third World. There's a reasonable shot that - because of his money - we will cure malaria.

Here's the thing - I mean, I don't act for statues. I really don't. The great thing about winning an award is that it creates opportunities.

If you've been nominated for an Oscar, it would be ridiculous to say you didn't want to win. It would be lovely to have one of those statues.

Life comes before literature, as the material always comes before the work. The hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues.

On Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va., there are statues of five Confederate luminaries and then, incongruously in this company, one of Arthur Ashe.

The painter leaves his mark. And I just put in two statues in Rhode Island that I'm working on. And I think that's going to make me last longer than me.

When I drew Captain America in 'The Ultimates,' I hated my Cap, even though some people are like, 'Man, your Cap's cool!' and they made statues out of it.

Historians spend their days engaged in the literally endless task of reshaping and expanding our view of the past, while statues are fixed and inflexible.

Statues and murals depicting historical figures, and even Jesus Christ himself, are being targeted by angry mobs of individuals looking to rewrite history.

In war, the first thing that goes, when you try to take over culture, is the statues. I think we all can recall statues with their heads cut off in museums.

The great poet is a great artist. He is painter and sculptor. The greatest pictures and statues have been painted and chiseled with words. They outlast all others.

Clinton has more important things to worry about. He not only risks being destroyed historically, like Afghanistan's Buddha statues; he also could end up going to jail.

It's fascinating, isn't it, that whereas so many of our statues have been of military leaders, now it may well be sports stars who are the ones more likely to be so honored.

The America that clings to Confederate statues and flags, and that jealously guards the social privileges white Americans have long enjoyed, form the stalwarts of Trump's base.

History, after all, is a process, not a position, and it is not best written in bronze and marble. It is complex, plastic and ever-changing; all things that heroic statues are not.

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