I love breaking stereotypes.

Stereotypes are so played out.

Don't live up to your stereotypes.

I hate stereotypes and I hate cliche.

I've never liked to play stereotypes.

I think it's funny when stereotypes happen.

There really are a lot of stereotypes I fight.

As an actor, you break stereotypes all the time.

I don't like stereotypes - no kind of stereotypes.

Yeah, I'm sure there are stereotypes of Asian people.

Stereotypes do exist, but we have to walk through them.

In many ways, being yourself is dispelling stereotypes.

I guess I blow all the stereotypes right out of the water.

Stereotypes should never influence policy or public opinion.

Stereotypes happen. I try not to embrace them or avoid them.

We shouldn't judge people through the prism of our own stereotypes.

Attempting to get at truth means rejecting stereotypes and cliches.

I'm big on being anti-stereotypical and fighting negative stereotypes.

I think the traditional stereotypes are loaded in institutional racism.

I work very hard to line up stereotypes and then smash them with a hammer.

I don't believe in stereotypes. Most of the time, stereotypes are just that.

I do think that being a BAME actor does make it difficult to avoid stereotypes.

The stereotypes really play into what kinds of companies women can get funded for.

I feel like I'm here to bust those misconceptions and stereotypes of Muslim women.

The proliferation of bans fuels stereotypes and discriminates against a community.

I can't say that I ever abided nerd stereotypes: I was never alone or felt outcast.

I grew up seeing so many stereotypes on TV, and I didn't want to play that as well.

I am conscious of the community that I'm representing and don't play into stereotypes.

I lost years of my life to prison because of two-dimensional and misogynist stereotypes.

I use every opportunity, whether on my radio show or on television, to break stereotypes.

Stereotypes exist because there's always some truth to stereotypes. Not always, but often.

Some people say my humor focuses too much on stereotypes. It doesn't. It focuses on facts.

Breaking stereotypes and my own barriers is great fun, because that's what leads to growth.

I have no problem breaking stereotypes. And proving people wrong - it's actually quite fun.

Math has a lot of negative stereotypes, but it can actually be fun and incredibly empowering.

As an Italian-American, I have a special responsibility to be sensitive to ethnic stereotypes.

Western women have been controlled by ideals and stereotypes as much as by material constraints.

I believe it's on everyone - men and women - to knock down stereotypes and outdated assumptions.

The stereotypes attached to Bollywood were that it's a big, bad world or that it's a dirty world.

We've got these stereotypes, and I think there can be some trouble when we force these on people.

We fight the stereotypes, but in fighting them, we show them. There are stereotypes for a reason.

We have to destroy stereotypes in people's minds that Belarus can be isolated or taught a lesson.

I never feel confined by gender, by labels, by expectations, by stereotypes. I'm free to be myself.

I think it's time we all agree that gender stereotypes are simply the confabulation of our own mind.

We must reject not only the stereotypes that others have of us but also those that we have of ourselves.

There are so many stereotypes of how you have to be as a black man, growing up in the community as a man.

I'm working hard to break free of stereotypes that the film industry has created and nurtured around women.

As Latinas, we tend to be overly partial considering stereotypes. I'm interested in being naughty and edgy.

Writers write these male stereotypes, and it makes it ten times more interesting if a woman says the lines.

There were a lot of stereotypes that I had to break of how people in the entertainment industry do business.

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