A woman is subject matter enough.

I'm attracted to challenging subject matter.

I like dark subject matter. I'm not sure what that means about me!

I think of painting without subject matter as music without words.

The subject matter is so much more important than the photographer.

The first songs I wrote were catchy, but the subject matter was God.

I make my living talking about serious subject matter, but I'm a weirdo.

Usually, the subject matter of the image is not the subject of the work.

What provides you with subject matter is your own language - and that's all.

I think authors can get into trouble viewing the subject matter as their turf.

It's too bad that the idea of witchcraft and sorcery is a taboo subject matter.

A teacher enlarges people in all sorts of ways besides just his subject matter.

My operas usually come from musical ideas rather than ideas about subject matter.

Subject matter is sort of overemphasized in the way books get discussed, I think.

As an artist, I feel a certain responsibility to write about difficult subject matter.

Since I was a kid, I've had this morbid fascination with dark and scary subject matter.

I have a soft spot for art that, in terms of subject matter and material, is in bad taste.

There is only one subject matter for education, and that is Life in all its manifestations

I often photograph something as if the subject matter was realistic, but it is actually a fantasy.

I chose films made by people I wanted to work with, about subject matter I thought was intriguing.

I would go to sketch groups and draw. I really enjoyed the subject matter, but I wasn't good at it.

To go from politics to news, at least the subject matter is the same, even if the view is different.

Whatever I write, no matter how gray or dark the subject matter, it's still going to be a comic novel.

The subject matter of the stories on the surface... there seem to be a number of stories about travel.

Profound subject matter can be encompassed in small space - for proof, look at any sonnet by Shakespeare!

We assert that the subject is crucial and only that subject matter is valid which is tragic and timeless.

I was raised in Holland, where race and homosexuality are not a subject matter but rather a part of life.

The questions about my father are inevitable, regardless of the characters I create or the subject matter.

The paintings that really excite me have an erotic element or side to them irrespective of subject matter.

It's very hard to deal with true subject matter, especially when you're writing about such weighty issues.

No one sets out to write escapism as a film's subject matter unless, maybe, you are making a fantasy flick.

I hope they make a show like M*A*S*H, which dealt with a lot of difficult subject matter but was very funny.

Most of us, when we go out with a camera in our own country, try to find exotic subject matter to photograph.

What makes a publisher decide to market a book to a particular audience is not the subject matter but the style.

Expectations that black directors have to make black films about black subject matter are, to me, kind of absurd.

In Australia, even the darkest subject matter has a little pinch of humor. A little sweet to make the sour go down.

Rogers and Hammerstein were such a genius pair. They were able to touch on subject matter so far ahead of its time.

Funny and sad are two sides of the same coin. I think that most comedians are able to tap into deep subject matter.

I do love to eavesdrop. It's inspirational, not only for subject matter but for actual dialogue, the way people talk.

That is the job of a comedian: To take unpleasant subject matter and forcibly, with his hands, wring the funny out of it.

In the past, I think my films that focused on African subjects struggled in the marketplace because of their subject matter.

The joy of YouTube is that you can create content about anything you feel passionate about, however silly the subject matter.

People will reach out because they know I'm trying to put my best forward when it comes to subject matter and creation of song.

And I'm the biggest country fan there is, but I'm always a little cautious of a slower song or just a song with subject matter.

The heavy subject matter is the most fun stuff to work with. It's the meaty things, it's the things that you get to get stuck in.

It may be time for serious literary novelists to take back some of the subject matter we abandoned to hack novelists and the movies.

I don't think there's a subject matter that can't absorb 3-D; that can't tolerate the addition of depth as a storytelling technique.

In the case of 'The Lovely Bones,' I felt that it was subject matter not often dealt with in film, and with a tone that is also rare.

Dream Theater music, there's a lot of background and context to the songs, as far as the subject matter and the albums they come from.

Content arises out of certain considerations about form, material, context-and that when that subject matter is sufficiently far away.

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