Fever' was good for how young we were, but for me it's kind of like a yearbook picture. You look at it like, 'Oh, man, that's the suit I was wearing?'

I love a good suit, and when I see photographs of myself in a jacket that doesn't fit me quite right or the sleeves are too long, it drives me insane.

Scent is very important. Strong fragrances suit some men, while citrus types suit others. I like my men to smell fresh and woody, but also like a man.

I wanted women to have the same basic wardrobe as a man. Blazer, trousers, and suit. They're so functional. I believed women wanted this and was right.

I'd rather get a nice warmup suit. That's something I can use. Gold medals just sit there. When I get old, maybe I could sell them if I need the money.

I was asked to go in a banana suit once or eat as many doughnuts as possible. I would not do those things. I don't eat doughnuts so why would I eat 20.

People come over, and we watch things like 'The Paul Lynde Halloween Special.' I have a hot tub. Everybody puts on a bathing suit and we splash around.

For my prom, I wore a white suit with a burgundy shirt, tie and cummerbund, along with white shoes, a white trilby and a cane. I was extra fly that day.

I honestly think if I would've tied my suit and there wouldn't have been any water rushing through it, I think I could've gone at least a second faster.

With a suit, always wear big British shoes, the ones with large welts. There's nothing worse than dainty little Italian jobs at the end of the leg line.

I'm wearing a blazer, like, all the time. That's my go-to - a blazer - and I can just figure out if I want to wear jeans or slacks. Turn it into a suit.

If President Trump wants to actually prove he's a strong leader, he could start by championing American ideals even when they don't suit him personally.

We filed suit against YouTube before the Google purchase. At the time I went after YouTube, I thought it was a small company ripping off our copyrights.

I try to dress well. Not just now at Chelsea, but all my career, at my clubs and the national team in Italy, I like to wear a nice suit on the touchline.

Every year you suit up, you play for a championship. Some years, some teams... it was very few times I think I played on that realistically had a chance.

I think Jack White is pretty dope. He's a little bit more crisp than me in his approach; he's always in a suit; he's always sharp. He's always cleaned up.

You got to realize that the vision, the image, according to 1964 U.S. rock and roll standards, was mohair suit and tie, and nicey-nicey ol' boy next door.

A nicely fitted two-button suit is the best thing any guy can have. Guys are lucky: We can wear a suit over and over, just with different shirts and ties.

I think people psych themselves out before they listen to jazz a lot, thinking that they have to, like, put on a suit or something. That's not what it is.

I was looking at a photograph of the 1997 election campaign yesterday, and I thought: 'My God. Did I really have that hairstyle? And that Tory blue suit?'

Devin McCourty - he's got his own style: he always wears a nice fitted suit and mixes up his colors. He's got some game when it comes to the fashion world.

It is hard work composing a song for a film and showing it to makers: 50% of the tune remains the same, and the remaining 50% is changed to suit the script.

Ultimately, I made my range wider because I wanted to suit each publication that I worked for. Talk about reinvention - I'm like the Madonna of photography.

In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day an official holiday, with Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York quickly following suit.

I had a corporate job and wore a suit to work every day, and I just kind of felt like I wasn't living my authentic self or doing what I was passionate about.

I wanted to be an academic when I was 19 or 20. But, I've gone off that idea. The lifestyle is kind of lonely and isolated. I don't think that would suit me.

It is important that the United States remain a two-party system. I'm a fellow who likes small parties and the Republican Party can't be too small to suit me.

My time inside there was very short compared to the amount of time it took to take on and take off this suit and to test me for how much radioactivity I have.

My stormtrooper suit would chip underneath the armpits and in between the thighs. So they had to do a lot of editing for my costume and shave some areas down.

I used to be able to eat and drink whatever I wanted. But now, when I'm in a suit and tie all the time, sitting and being driven, you can just feel your body.

It won't be fair on my part to name one song that brought me fame, but 'Suit Suit' from 'Hindi Medium' is close to my heart, and it quite turned tables for me.

I pay attention to the sun. I've worn sunglasses while I play, for years, and apply sunscreen. No matter where I'm playing, there's a rain suit in my bag, too.

Chanel took women out of corsets and put them into the 'simple little black dress,' the perfectly tailored suit, the bell-bottom sailor pants, and jersey tops.

There's a reason why Hasselhoff was in a suit for twelve years, and there's a reason why Donald still has his hair that way. I'm tellin' ya. They're both sexy.

I always wear a suit jacket, a smart blouse or a top, with my hair and make-up done. Under the desk, what no one knows, is that I'm wearing jeans and trainers.

I'm going to take Barrera out in devastating style with unbelievably hard shots. He's tailor-made for me, and I will fit him with a suit to wear on the canvas.

One of the reasons I like a suit is because I've never been that keen on my body. The shape a suit presents is always going to be better than anything I can do.

Watching baseball under the lights is like observing dogs indoors, at a pedigree show. In both instances, the environment is too controlled to suit the species.

One of the things that drives me crazy as a professional woman is you'll have bought a suit, and you get home and realize you don't have a shirt to wear with it.

I like to dress up and put on a nice suit for a party or a special event; I do enjoy it, but on a daily basis, I wear stuff that I feel comfortable in, you know?

I mean, you can't walk down the aisle in Westminster Abbey in a strapless dress, it just won't happen - it has to suit the grandeur of that aisle, it's enormous.

I think I'd be a million times more successful and more iconic if I was a singer in the '40s. I'd be allowed a level of mystery, and I think I'd suit that decade.

Every man imagines that he will turn his suit like a double agent, that it can be twisted to his will with irony or comedy, that the man can undermine its origins.

It's kind of a crazy thing to decide that you're going to be worth tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars and set out to do that. It doesn't suit everybody.

Actors create a fantastic lifestyle thinking they're going to be able to maintain it. Then they can't get work or have to start taking work that doesn't suit them.

The suit is the polite taming, the socialising, the neutering, of riding and military kit. Those pointless buttons on the cuff were moved from lateral to vertical.

Each simian had a much different body suit, so besides trying to define class across species, there was a definite attempt to dress each group in different styles.

Mel is nuts. He puts on a suit and a tie and acts like a normal person so people think he's okay. He's definitely out in left field. He's got the ambition of a boy.

Dancewear is very different from sportswear. Sportswear doesn't quite suit what we need to do with our bodies, so I'm always fiddling with my clothes in the studio.

We used to wear a track suit and T-shirt while training. But that did not go down well with the villagers, because women are usually supposed to wear salwar kameez.

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