I'm a big Kevin Sullivan fan.

I was dreaming I was on the Sullivan Show.

I don't think Ed Sullivan had anything to do with Carib Song.

My favourite artist is Beyonce. I also like Jasmine Sullivan.

Ed Sullivan will be around as long as someone else has talent.

We finally got our big break when Ed Sullivan put us on his show.

I wasn't ever advised by Scott Sullivan of anything ever being wrong.

I loved playing the part of the feisty Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker.

John Sullivan's scripts were always very funny, and cast and crew got on well.

The Dave Clark Five had more appearances on 'The Ed Sullivan Show' than The Beatles.

I couldn't do 'The Ed Sullivan Show.' Ed said I was a flash in the pan, and he was right.

And I was booked once to go on 'Ed Sullivan' and I got bumped and ran out the back door crying.

I did the Ed Sullivan show four times. I did the Steve Allen show. I did the Jackie Gleason show.

These newspaper reporters... ever since Sullivan versus New York Times... have got a license to lie.

There was one television in the living room, and we all sat around on Sundays and watched Ed Sullivan.

I grew up in the 1950s and '60s, when it was almost a holiday when a black act would go on Ed Sullivan.

Well, the first band was at nine, and I was on the road when I was 12 with the Sullivan Family Gospel Singers.

Ed Sullivan brought me to TV first in 1952, then Garry Moore's program gave me a lot of confidence and freedom.

I am thrilled to share the news that Andrew Sullivan is bringing his trailblazing journalism to 'The Daily Beast.'

I lost an apartment. l became homeless for 11 months and squatted in a building on Sullivan Street in lower Manhattan.

In 1912, when I was working in The Hague, I first saw a drawing by Louis Sullivan of one of his buildings. It interested me.

I'm trying to get better at singing. I just want to be great vocally on stage so I can give fans a real show, like Jazmine Sullivan does.

I remember tap-dancing and singing in front of the TV when I was a kid, telling my dad to stop watching Ed Sullivan or Milton Berle and watch me.

I was the first to promote The Beatles in the States, and Ed Sullivan called me first about them before he ever booked them on his television show.

I love to cook, my husband and I collect wine, and in my head, I am always on Sullivan's Island, walking the beach listening to the song of the ocean.

The fact is popular art dates. It grows quaint. How many people feel strongly about Gilbert and Sullivan today compared to those who felt strongly in 1890?

When the Beatles were on 'Ed Sullivan,' life went from black and white to color like in 'The Wizard of Oz' - and the irony I'm in the band Toto is not lost on me.

I started auditioning, and the first job I ever got was understudying Amy Ryan in 'The Sisters Rosensweig' on Broadway, directed by Daniel Sullivan. I was 18 years old.

When Elvis made his mass-media debut on 'The Ed Sullivan Show' - his notorious gyrations filmed only from the waist up - I fell off the family chaise longue with delight.

I was a huge fan of J. Courtney Sullivan's novel 'Maine,' and like that novel, 'Saint' is a family saga set in Boston. Irish Catholic family secrets - is there anything better?

On the day of the audition for 'Sullivan and Son,' I had three other auditions all around Los Angeles. It was so hectic. I remember changing in my car before I went in to read.

My thinking was scrambled when Sullivan and I separated. Something happened to me that had never happend before. I couldn't cope. It was heartbreak time. I thought it was the end of the world.

I grew up on variety shows. I'm from the '60s and '70s. I loved watching Flip Wilson. I loved watching Sid Caesar's 'Your Show of Shows,' 'The Ed Sullivan Show.' I love all of those variety shows.

I had done about 60 television shows, from 'Ed Sullivan' to 'The Hollywood Palace,' before I ever went to 'Johnny Carson.' At the time, that was the showcase for comics. And I couldn't believe it.

My mom was sort of involved in amateur dramatics like Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, and played the violin. My dad played banjo and piano and sang as well, so there was all this music in my childhood.

There are two types of session guitar players. One reads and only plays what the 'dots' say. The other adds that something special and plays notes and solos you dream of. Big Jim Sullivan was such a player.

I was studying music in college. I was singing, I was doing operas and Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, and then I was offered a job as the music director of the Bigfork Summer Playhouse, in Bigfork, Montana.

I'd been a fan of old film comedies like Preston Sturges and Howard Hawks movies - the fast-paced dialogue in movies like 'His Girl Friday' and 'Bringing Up Baby' and 'Twentieth Century' and 'Sullivan's Travels.'

I was born with my moustache and, no, I've never been tempted to shave it off. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about my face and, like Gilbert and Sullivan's Katisha, my best feature is my left shoulder-blade.

I've loved Patti LaBelle since I was a little girl. I love her so much because she's spontaneous. I love Shirley Murdock, Keyshia Cole, Jazmine Sullivan and Tweet and Faith Evans. Faith's songs got me through a lot.

The skyscraper style first advocated by Louis Sullivan - a tower of strongly vertical character with clear definitions among base, shaft, and crown - has remained remarkably consistent throughout the history of this building type.

I was blacklisted and overnight my TV appearances dried up. Ed Sullivan called to cancel my appearance and said he'd help me when he could, and a year later he did. Only a few wackos wanted the blacklist. It was a protection racket.

My own musical ambitions were born when I was five, watching the Ed Sullivan Show on TV. When Elvis Presley burst on to the screen, singing 'Don't Be Cruel,' I felt my first sexual thrill, though I didn't know what it was at the time.

When I came to the United States, I appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show as a 13-year-old, and I played a Mendelssohn Concerto, and it sounded like a talented 13-year-old with a lot of promise. But it did not sound like a finished product.

Kevin Sullivan? He's Anthony Hopkins. The Prince of Darkness. The devil himself. Against the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes, the chubby plumber's son from Austin, Texas. My God, those billboards go up, and you're going to want to go see it.

My first three-sisters novel in a while, 'Sandcastles' tells the story of the Sullivan family - two passionate artists and their three wildly different daughters. There's also a renegade nun and a mystery man, but I don't want to give too much away!

Lars Sullivan and EC3 are made for the main roster, more so than NXT. Obviously, Lars because he's just freakish in so many ways. But EC3, I look at him, and I look at his mannerisms, his mic skills: he's tailor-made for a good push on the main roster.

I would watch 'The Ed Sullivan Show' and borrow a few lines here and there from guests like Red Buttons and Buddy Hackett to create a routine. Then I started getting invited to do political functions like the governor's birthday ball or mayor's dinner.

I did those two TV matches in WCW against Kevin Sullivan and Meng, and within five minutes of walking into that locker room, I was like, 'I don't want to be here.' I could tell this is not the place for me. And the dream was still WWF and getting there.

I feel really proud of my work on 'Sullivan & Son.' It's a really different character for me. I was excited to play this really tough, sweet smart, quirky girl because that's who I am at my core, but that's never who I was playing. The show is like my pride and joy.

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