I'm certainly not a supermodel.

My job is not to be a supermodel.

I've never pretended to be a supermodel.

I don't remember ever having finished a book.

I don't really see myself as a big supermodel.

In the '90s, I wouldn't have been a supermodel.

I won't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day.

I'd love to spend a day being supermodel beautiful.

I'm definitely not a supermodel, a thousand per cent.

I'd love to have legs like supermodel Gisele Bundchen!

I'm not a supermodel. I make the best of what I've got.

Because beauty isn't enough, there must be something more.

That's my advice for indie filmmakers: Marry a supermodel.

Being surrounded by supermodels' bodies was triggering to me.

Believe it or not, I don't wake up looking like a supermodel.

In my day, I, being the first supermodel, I hawked everything.

Have I dated a supermodel? Of course not. I'd look ridiculous.

I'm a pretty girl who's a model who doesn't suck as an actress.

I couldn't be a supermodel, hats off. I'll stick to the kitchen!

I don't have a supermodel body. I'm always trying to hide something.

I was always looking up to supermodels. They were, like, my superheroes.

It takes time to be who you really want to be. It doesn't happen overnight.

Because a rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose.

You know what they say when a supermodel gets pregnant? Now she's eating for one.

I love Versace; I love Donatella's vision! It still has that '90s supermodel vibe.

I always saw what the girls were doing, the supermodels, and they were my inspiration.

There are 3 billion women in the world who don't look like supermodels and only 8 that do.

I'm not one of these new supermodel girls on Instagram in bikinis. I'm different, but that's okay.

If I tried to start modeling right now, I wouldn't be a supermodel because it's all about celebrity.

I gave myself a year to be a supermodel. And I said, 'If it doesn't happen, I'm going back to school.'

Unless I have been sorely misinformed, supermodels are powerless to resist a man with illuminated doorsills.

I think to be a supermodel you first had to be a model, and I think people are jumping and missing that stage.

I like to make the best of what I have. I'm not a supermodel, clearly. I'm not a makeup artist. I'm a real woman.

I don't know what a supermodel is. If they call me that, I might have to punch them. It's just so vain and so unreal.

You would think that a rock star being married to a supermodel would be one of the greatest things in the world. It is.

I'm single, so I'm trying to do an overall overhaul. The look I'm going for is very '80s supermodel. It's time to be sexy.

I would be happy not even being a supermodel. Being able to get a taste of everything that I want a taste of makes me happy.

I kind of felt like maybe I didn't have what it took to look like a supermodel and wear high heels all the time and my nails.

Like many supermodels, I won't get out of bed for less than £3000. Unlike many supermodels, I don't get out of bed very often.

With the whole supermodel thing, even when you're not really modeling anymore, people still call me that. And I'm like '... retired.'

There's no difference if you're a supermodel or if you've lost both your legs. What are you doing that's beautiful or ugly on the inside?

I started when I was 13 years old by entering 'Elle Girl''s search for the next supermodel in the U.K. I got to the finals and was signed by Storm.

I travel around the world, and there are so many beautiful girls, but that's not going to make you a supermodel. You have to have something more than just a pretty face.

A supermodel is kind of that first-name recognition, but I'm not quite ready for that super part yet, and I'm afraid that by the time I am, I'm going to be too old anyway.

My big break was when I won 'Search for a Supermodel Australia,' and then I came second in the world series, and that was all good, but I was just having fun; it wasn't real to me.

My mom did this in the '90s. She'd put a bandana in her hair, cutoff jeans and throw flannel, and I just remember looking at her thinking she was the most beautiful supermodel ever.

Tom Brady is aspirational. He married a supermodel. He's creating a global brand. He has houses in Costa Rica, Montana. Tom's always been about growth and evolving. That's not Boston.

Every time you read an interview with a supermodel, they're always like, 'Oh, I was a such nerd.' I resent that a little bit. I was in the A/V club. I used to eat my lunch in a closet.

I never realized how similar that I am to Tom Brady. mean, the obvious physical appearance would be the first thing. The fact that he's married to a supermodel? Hello? Yeah, I'm also married to a supermodel.

I'm not a supermodel. That's not what I do. What I do is music. I want my fans to feel the way I do, to know what they have to offer is just as important, more important, than what's happening on the outside.

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