Be the hero of your own story.

You are the Hero of your own Story.

This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.

In suspense novels even subplots about relationships have to have conflict.

Before I became a suspense novelist, I wrote romantic suspense as Alicia Scott.

I keep thinking I'll enjoy suspense novels, and sometimes I do. I've read about 20 Dick Francis novels.

The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life.

Hitchcock had a charm about him. He was very funny at times. He was incredibly brilliant in his field of suspense.

Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what is going to happen until you turn the page.

An unforgettable tale of love, lust, faith, betrayal, and redemption. A powerful, mesmerizing suspense novel-a tour de force!

Suspense is very important. Even though this is humor and they're short stories, that theory of building suspense is still there.

You have to go out of your way as a suspense novelist to find situations where the protagonists are somewhat helpless and in real danger.

I read what I like to write: romantic suspense. I also love thrillers and novels of suspense, but I can't handle extreme violence and torture.

The suspense in a novel is not only in the reader, but in the novelist himself, who is intensely curious too about what will happen to the hero.

I can't wait for everyone to read 'Don't Look Back.' It's something very different for me, my first romantic suspense novel, so I'm very excited to be sharing the book, finally.

All I've really ever done is write since I was 17, so I don't know anything about anything. For me to do a novel, I have to talk to people who know things. And what keeps me in suspense is that I am a crime aficionado.

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