I like doing thrillers.

I love thrillers, and I always have.

I'd been a thriller reader all my life.

The key to thrillers is vicarious pleasure.

I like crime thrillers. I like heist movies.

I think I'll stick with psychological thrillers.

I always wanted to write psychological thrillers.

Thrillers are like life, more like life than you are.

I'm a fan of the European style, naturalistic thriller.

Thrillers are an enormous amount of fun for filmmakers.

For me a thriller is a very carefully structured story.

You don't ever see a thriller with a spiritual backbone.

After Bound, we were offered a lot of lesbian thrillers.

I'd have liked to have leant against walls in thrillers.

The older I get, the more I love psychological thrillers.

In a thriller, the camera's an active narrator, or can be.

I read a lot of thrillers, especially American crime novels.

I like thrillers. My style of movies are closer to thrillers.

I read a lot fewer thrillers than I think people assume I do.

People talk of me as being the inventor of the legal thriller.

Movies have influenced all writers, not just thriller writers.

I like speed in thrillers. It's a rhythm adapted to the subject.

The thriller genre in general, it's total foreign ground for me.

The thriller is the most popular literary genre of the 20th century.

For thrillers, it's especially difficult to carve out a good trailer.

Ironically, I wouldn't say I'm a massive horror fan. I love thrillers.

The intricacy of plotting a thriller is akin to writing formal poetry.

A thriller becomes great when it carries a feeling of reality and truth.

As long as thriller authors teach us about our world, they'll be relevant.

It's the doubt that is really a major ingredient of the paranoid thriller.

When I go to the movies, I like romance, comedy, and thrillers. I hate gore.

When I made 'Chocolate,' no one had made suspense thrillers for a long time.

I've read one too many thrillers that had really horrible technology in them.

I like films that are gritty and hard-hitting and suspenseful. Thrillers, too.

Gripping. Fascinating. Entrancing. The Vesuvius Isotope is 2013's Top Thriller!

I storyboard every shot of my thrillers in general. I draw them out and do them.

Women who write thrillers are called 'dark.' Male writers are called 'powerful.'

The horror genre is probably my favorite genre along with psychological thrillers.

I like psychological thrillers but when it's demonic, there's no uplifting message.

I love cop shows and crime books and thrillers, and before I die I'm gonna play a cop.

I would like it to be said that I was a good writer of detective and thriller stories.

Before I did any action movies, I did a couple of thrillers. That's hung around for me.

Real politics is messy and morally ambiguous and doesn't make for a compelling thriller.

I dream big, baby. I want to do thrillers, I want to do smart David Lynch-type mysteries.

With thrillers, there's such a fine line between what's good and what's cheesy and corny.

John Wick is a rousing action thriller of the sort rarely encountered in theaters these days.

The worst situation you can have in a thriller is a lead who looks like he can handle himself.

Well, my books - I think one of the hallmarks of my thrillers is that they're based in reality.

I've always had a great affection for espionage stories. I like weaving them, and I like thrillers.

I love reading. I'm very much into history, novels, biographies and I have a wide range of thrillers.

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