History's a resource.

Time is a finite resource.

A pupil is a great resource.

My husband is my most valuable resource.

Music is not a commodity, it's a resource.

The human mind is our fundamental resource.

The most precious resource we have is time.

An actor's resource base must be life itself.

The waste of plenty is the resource of scarcity.

Children are our most valuable natural resource.

Energy is called 'the master resource' for a reason.

Patriotism is the secret resource of a successful society.

Money is a resource for me and it is needed to make music.

The single biggest resource India has is people and skill.

For centuries, Cuba's greatest resource has been its people.

You can't be a resource for others unless you nourish yourself.

In my mind, women's basketball players are an untapped resource.

Women are the most underutilized 'resource' in the world economy.

The fact is the U.S. has enormous resource potential available to it.

Time is the most precious resource there is - you have to protect it.

Time is a resource whose supply is inversely proportional to its demand.

In the global marketplace, women remain the most untapped natural resource.

I just want to give back and kind of be a resource for younger generations.

In many ways, not fitting in has been a comedic asset and a comedic resource.

Young people are this awesome, creative, hopeful untapped resource out there.

Sometimes you feel like the only resource you have is your body or your looks.

Mystery is a resource, like coal or gold, and its preservation is a fine thing.

Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.

The single greatest under-utilized resource we have as a nation is women and girls.

Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.

Canadians must realize that the success of our resource sector benefits all Canadians.

None can be more negative in its impact than the limitation on human resource capacity.

Solar power is the last energy resource that isn't owned yet - nobody taxes the sun yet.

Sustainable development requires human ingenuity. People are the most important resource.

For each human being, time is a necessary resource. It can neither be ignored nor changed.

I can do something else besides stuff a ball through a hoop. My biggest resource is my mind.

VA is a unique national resource that is worth saving, and I am committed to doing just that.

All companies - and not just startups - face the same eternal challenge: resource allocation.

Of course education becomes very very important and that's for our human resource development.

When I was growing up, I always saw Karen Millen as a resource for women who were a bit older.

Time is a resource, much like money or autonomy, which can be invaluable or can be squandered.

But man has still another powerful resource: natural science with its strictly objective methods.

Dads are not a risk to be managed, but a resource to be used for the benefit of the whole family.

Our children are our greatest resource and Head Start grants help them reach their full potential.

There's a lot of 'how to adopt' books, but there's no practical resource for, say, school supplies.

It's always the organizations that are resource constrained that come up with the good ideas to win.

I didn't grow up with a mother, so I don't have that resource to rely on and ask a million questions.

Culture is nourished by human motivation - a limitless resource that can sometimes be underestimated.

Children are the world's future, and we need to take care of them like we would any precious resource.

Diversity is America's most valuable resource. It is what makes us the most innovative nation on Earth.

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