If everybody would just stop talking, my job would be a lot easier.

Talking about your home town is like talking about your own mother.

Talking to celebrities is too much effort. They all think the same.

She'd also called me brave...unless she was talking to the catfish.

It's hard to watch something go on and be talking at the same time.

I genuinely enjoy talking one-to-one. I have no shyness about that.

And he who is forever talking about enemies / Is himself the enemy!

Talking doom and gloom all day no longer fit who I was as a person.

The talking oak To the ancient spoke. But any tree Will talk to me.

There's nothing worse than people talking about theories and humor.

It is greed to do all the talking but not to want to listen at all.

I don't like the act of talking; it makes me slightly light-headed.

Talking about myself is difficult for me. It's anti my true nature.

Nobody is talking about the different - until you raised the issue.

Talking with pictures and making memories is universally appealing.

I'm going to listen to John Elway. He knows what he's talking about.

Talking about and analyzing sports isn't the same as playing sports.

If one is talking about sculpture then scale and skin is everything.

I don't know why I've spent over half of My life talking about dying

Hollywood is like being nowhere and talking to nobody about nothing.

The Whitehouse is talking different because we are walking different

I love talking about food, and bringing people together to enjoy it.

Surely, serious problems can't be solved just by talking about them.

I don't believe in saturation. We're thinking and talking worldwide.

Talking up a storm about food is so easy for me, it's second nature.

I like talking to priests, to Catholics. Everyone has their beliefs.

... writing letters is thinking, just as talking to you is thinking.

Never talking to strangers. Saying nasty things about the neighbors.

When you are talking about someone's art, it is usually so personal.

The man who is always talking about being a gentleman, never is one.

You can write shorthand and still look at the guy you're talking to.

Some subjects come up suddenly in our speech and cannot be silenced.

Talking about the body getting old, there's a sadness to it in a way.

I feel I learned as much from fellow students as from the professors.

Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.

Stop talking about the problem and start thinking about the solution.

Talking to your hairdresser is almost like talking to your therapist.

A good talker, even more than a good orator, implies a good audience.

I love people that come from another country. I love talking to them.

I wanted to communicate what I had seen, so that others could see it.

I am not talking to anyone in the British media. They are all pricks.

Bear ye one another's burdens, the Lord said, and he was talking law.

When a writer talks about his work, he's talking about a love affair.

Whether one talks well depends very much upon whom he has to talk to.

My mother was a listener. I'm a talker. I'm very comfortable talking.

I prefer the wisdom of the uneducated to the folly of the loquacious.

It's not a bloody piano, it's a clarenARt...you weird talking person.

I'm attracted to guys who are really confident and make conversation.

When you love something you just don't want to stop talking about it.

Talking about auditions, you never know what anyone else is thinking.

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