I want to be a Texan 24 hours a day.

What Texans can dream, Texans can do.

Only Texans and Jews understand brisket

My mother is French, my father is Texan.

A Texan outside of Texas is a foreigner.

I feel blessed to have been raised a Texan.

The enemy never sees the backs of my Texans!

At Odessa we became Texans, and proud of it.

If you ain't Texan, I ain't got time for you.

My voice was awkward. I had a deep Texan accent.

I am a proud, not Texan, but a citizen of Dallas.

Texan is what you are, not what you were or might be.

I've always gotten along well with Texans. You've got to.

I consider myself a Texan. I grew up in Texas and Oklahoma.

There's nothing like being a Texan, and I'm proud to be one.

I'm a sixth-generation Texan, even though I was born in California.

I'm not anti-American. I've lived with Kenny, a Texan, for six years.

I started as a news photographer at the University Of Texas' Daily Texan.

As you may know, I'm a native Texan. In fact I'm a fifth generation Texan.

I have horses, I drive a truck, and I wear cowboy boots. First I'm a Texan.

I'm a 10th-generation Texan. My ancestor - Andrew Kent - fought at the Alamo.

I'm a Texan - my idea of gun control is hitting what you aim at and nothing else.

Many people have believed that they were Chosen, but none more baldly than the Texans.

I thought I knew Texas pretty well, but I had no notion of its size until I campaigned it.

The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likable. In three days no one could stand him.

My wife, Ashley, is a West Texan, a graduate of Abilene Cooper Public High School and the University of Texas.

If you ask me what am I, I might say 'I am a Californian,' and if George Bush were here, he would say 'I am a Texan.'

I'm not an overnight sensation. I'm a Texan. And I'm a Texas success story. I am the epitome of hard work and optimism.

My father was a sort of John Wayne Texan who'd worked as a cowboy when he was young. He'd participated in rattlesnake round-ups and swum with copperheads.

For creating the Texan accent, I would listen to Sissy Spacek and watch her in 'Badlands.' I downloaded the audio of that whole film and listened to that.

I'm a proud American - becoming a citizen in 1988 was one of the most profoundly moving occasions in my life; I'm a former Texan and a recent Californian.

The longer I lived in the east, the more completely I realized that, for better or worse, I was going to be, to everybody's mind, wherever I lived, a Texan.

I went to Norman High then I walked across the street after that and went to college. That's my home town, that's where I'm from. Physically I'm a Texan, but I'm an Oklahoman.

I stand before you today as a disciplined conservative Texan, a committed Republican and a proud American, united with you to restoring our nation and revive the American dream.

The foundation for future prosperity is built on the bedrock of good jobs and great schools. We are building a strong foundation one job at a time and one educated Texan at a time.

Texas has an established trade office in Mexico City, as do other Texan cities. They have a more mature trade relationship with Mexico, and I want to make Arizona a leader in this area also.

I'm a Texan. Some of me is still nestled up there in the Catskill Mountains: the summers I spent with my grandfather on the farm and the guys I played basketball with in high school. But then that was it.

Say what you want about George W. Bush, but the guy is a man's man. He means what he says, and he says what he means. Whether you agree with the Texan or not, at least one always knows where they stand with him.

My first performance was in second grade with my friend Rodney Fisher, and we worked up versions of 'Long Tall Texan' and 'I Want to Hold Your Hand.' It gave me a little early confidence that I could actually do this music thing.

My most memorable food challenge was probably the Big Texan in Amarillo. All the big executives called me because it was such an iconic challenge, and a victory in that would be a legitimizing device for myself as much as for the show.

When I first arrived in Houston, I was fascinated with the elaborate styles of cowboy boots and thought they were incredibly exotic. They also seemed to be a central part of a specifically 'Texan' identity, one distinct from being 'American.'

Chris Kyle was a human being, a Texan, Navy SEAL, father, husband, brother, friends to many, and a hero to many; this, at a time when we need all the heroes we can get. I knew him to be a good person, regardless of all the hype floating around in the media.

The audience loves us! They buy out all our shows and really enjoy themselves but the press keeps right on bombin' us. We thought at first it was because our music was too Texan, maybe too different for East coast people to relate to. But anyone can relate to bein' drunk or missin' your woman.

It's just that to a lot of British people George Bush represents the worst of all things American. He's the right-wing Christian crusader, the toxic Texan who refused Kyoto, the poll-cheat eel who undermined democracy on the back of something called 'chads,' a notion we've never entirely grasped.

I've definitely seen that Texas is certainly a right-wing area politically. I think if you talk to the average Texan, some people may still think that alternative energy is some sort of hippie mumbo-jumbo, you know. I think there's still a strong movement to continue to drill and continue to find these other sources of oil within the country.

I'm not so interested in perfect, plastic beauty, and I think it translates in the girls I've shot over the years for Nars, from Guinevere to Iris to Mariacarla. I love those girls. I love the more interesting faces, with maybe a strange nose, not just the Texan blonde. By picking those girls, I think it's changed what I've seen in other campaigns.

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