Not to go to the theater is like making one's toilet without a mirror.

New York City is a big city but a small city when it comes to theater.

People who are interested in the arts and theater are such a minority.

I always say film is art, theater is life and television is furniture.

A theater person should know what holds an audience and what does not.

We all need to go to good theater; that is what I believe will save it.

I am concerned about the musical theater, selfishly, because I love it.

I love big, bold, truthful theater - the tradition of Victorian theater.

It is a lazy public which promotes a slothful and irresponsible theater.

You're never done. You're not done until it's projecting in the theater.

Architecture is a social act and the material theater of human activity.

My parents are not theatrical people, but my dad took me to the theater.

I regard the theater as a woman I loved dearly who treated me like dirt.

I guess I've been training in the theater for as long as I can remember.

Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated by show business, the theater.

We were at the Schubert Theater for two years. And we were the first act.

I liked the theater. I liked the people. I liked the time that we worked.

My parents were in the theater so I was always somewhat surrounded by it.

I love the power of theater. I think it's an experience you never forget.

I come from the theater, and there is a real collaborative history there.

If I have to, I'll go and direct theater and talk till the cows come home.

Look, I'm 40, I'm single, and I work in musical theater - you do the math!

Also watching a movie on DVD is different than watching it in the theater.

I loved 'White Christmas' for the music aspect. I was into musical theater.

I don't want the kind of theater that I love and grew up seeing to die out.

My first play, 'The Colored Museum,' was done in '86 at the Public Theater.

Theater dressing rooms are my home away from home - my second home, really.

I never took any theater lessons. So when I started to do movies, I was 14.

Playwriting, like begging in India, is an honorable but humbling profession.

I did a lot of theater as a kid because I had a bunch of friends who did it.

Theater is all about foyers and conversation and digesting what you've seen.

Music is for theater like theater is for scripts. It's total: it's cyclical.

The heart is pure theater throbbing in its cage palpably as any nightingale.

I don't think that theater is the higher medium, that it's better than film.

Do some work in the theater if you can. It is the best training you can get.

I've worked for 27 years nonstop in theater and films. That's a lot of work.

My mom was an actress in the local Seattle theater doing experimental plays.

As a theater actor I always wondered, 'Is there a place for me in Hollywood?

The Lord Chamberlin was censoring scripts when I first came into the theater.

I converted a family-owned strip club into an improvisational acting theater.

To make theater out of real life, you need to catch dialogue when it happens.

I love all of the arts. I love motion pictures. I love stage. I love theater.

Theater really gets damaged when there is a paucity of good criticism around.

I love the theater because the theater is alive. The audience is right there.

As a theater actor I always wondered, 'Is there a place for me in Hollywood?'

My whole background is theater, and theater is to some degree presentational.

We went to see all the shows. American musical theater and jazz were very big.

You know, I think I was always intrigued by theater since I was a small child.

I'd much rather see Richard Pryor or Jackie Mason in a theater than in a club.

As soon as there are 200 people in a theater watching me, I get really scared.

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