The adrenaline of a live performance is unlike anything in film or theater. I can see why it's so addictive.

In musical theater you have to be very big and very animated, while film and television are more toned down.

I've been auditioning since I was 20, working as a waiter, getting theater gigs, doing the 'Law and Order's.

It is possible to work out of New York on film and television and still not lose your connection to theater.

Dream Theater was my baby. I formed it from the beginning, out of college, and I lived a lifetime with them.

To work around and be successful in a round configuration in the theater, you have to connect with everyone.

It will take very sophisticated marketing to achieve our aim of bringing more black people into the theater.

Every person on the streets of New York is a type. The city is one big theater where everyone is on display.

And to Shakespeare I owe my vision of the world as a theater, wherein all humans are acting out their parts.

I had been a kid that moved so much, I didn't have a lot of friends. Theater really represented camaraderie.

I had a great drama teacher in high school, and that's when I started to learn about the history of theater.

My sense of responsibility to the audience is to screen things that they would never see in a local theater.

A young ballplayer looks on his first spring training trip as a stage struck young woman regards the theater.

My time and my legacy with Dream Theater will always be a part of me. It's something I'll always be proud of.

I moved to LA and decided to do films and television, mainly because the theater in New York is totally dead.

I think as an actor you're lucky to have any film take on a life of its own long after it's left the theater.

I gained a great deal from the period during which I worked in theater and I value those things a great deal.

Toward the end of school I started watching movies. Got a job in a movie theater in Brookline, Massachusetts.

Movies are getting more and more expensive to distribute. You need a lot of money to get people into theaters

I love theater. That's what I did in Mexico City. I did a lot of musical theater, and it's where my heart is.

I went to theater school but never really got the chance to do theater, and it's always been a dream of mine.

It's one of the functions of the theater to shock and titillate and appall, apart from entertain and delight.

I come from a huge theater background. The whole action and stunt world just came as the roles were available.

As an actor, you can do everything. I grew up in the theater, and you could do a musical, a comedy, a tragedy.

There's definitely a visual aspect and an emotional aspect to a song. And that harks back, for me, to theater.

When the arts are taken out of the syllabus, people are not going to know what it's like to value the theater.

I want to write theater pieces, opera, or some kind of amalgamation where there is singing, music and theater.

The Kessler Theater is one such gem, an Art Deco beauty … for a slice of real life, there’s always the Kessler.

I love being funny! I started in the theater when I was 9 and, believe it or not, always played the funny part!

I think the cinema you like has more to do with silence, and the theater you like has more to do with language.

I'm the end of the line; absurd and appalling as it may seem, serious New York theater has died in my lifetime.

I'd like to widen my education. I'd definitely like to widen my film range. I mean, I'd love to do some theater.

Growing up, I wasn't an athlete or anything like that. The only place I felt like I belonged was in the theater.

Reality really is theater. There's no other way to describe it. It's all so nonsensical, ridiculous and chaotic.

I'd skip school regularly to see movies - even in the morning, in the small Parisian theaters that opened early.

Singing in Yiddish was a great thrill for me and came about through Joe Papp, the founder of The Public Theater.

I was too practical to major in theater. Acting - what was I going to do with acting? There was no future in it.

That's why I love doing live theater more than anything: You get an immediate reaction, whether it's good or bad.

So my humor, I'd say, comes from a mixture of lowbrow comedy shows and highbrow theater. It's an interesting mix.

No matter where you play, a stadium or an arena, when you're present on stage, it's going to feel like a theater.

Theater is, of course, a reflection of life. Maybe we have to improve life before we can hope to improve theater.

Theater was always in the backdrop. Nursing was a way to pay the bills. I wasn't a nurse; I had a nursing agency.

Theater is, of course, a reflection of life. Maybe we have to improve life before we can hope to improve theater.

My plan is to stay in New York for as long as I can and do some theater out here and just keep working creatively.

I had never done any theater in high school, which actually worked to my benefit. I didn't develop any bad habits.

Silence has a myriad of meanings. In the theater, silence is an absence of words, but never an absence of meaning.

I'd taken, like, maybe some African dance classes a couple of times, but I wasn't a musical theater person at all.

I want to get into the theater. I really wanted to be a theater director, but I turned out to be a movie director.

I was always into film, but theater was my entry point. I always felt like film didn't make sense to me, as a kid.

One does not go to the theater to escape from himself, but to reestablish contact with the mystery that we all are.

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