As soon as white folks say a play's good, the theater is jammed with blacks and whites.

There is an intimacy about the Opry Theater that gives an entertainer a special charge.

There are many, many more small theater spaces than there were when I was starting out.

It's not a love of poetry readings that attracts those who do come to them but theater.

I had studied theater for three years in London when someone suggested me for the role.

I love working with actors, and it's all been based on my being trained in the theater.

I don't like sitting around in my dressing room very much. It feels a lot like theater.

Actually, I didn't like Dartmouth very much, but the whole theater scene I really liked.

I first got involved in theater in 1968, at the height of a social tumult. I was a poet.

I trained in theater. And I started in theater with my first two jobs doing stage plays.

Theater acting is an operation with a scalpel, movie acting is an operation with a laser

Eugene O'Neil created an American theater, and Tennessee Williams taught it how to sing.

I didn't go into the theater to be a producer, I went into the theater to be a director.

After 'Dexter' and 'La Lupe', I would love to return to theater. I'm just ready for more.

I had started doing theater in high school, and while I was doing that, I got my manager.

We thought it would be great to see if you could put pop music back into musical theater.

It meant so much to me as a kid to see professional theater and hear Shakespeare's words.

In theater, there's a lot of work to do to build the characters. It's a great experience.

I started a theater called Steppenwolf. We've been very supportive of the veterans there.

I'm always too fat. And I always look terrible. But I love the theater of the red carpet.

I've been acting for a while, but theater is pretty different. I've never been in a play.

When you end a successful sitcom, the most sensible thing to do is go back to the theater.

It's funny... musical theater is what paid my rent and kept me going for the longest time.

Anyone can do theater, even actors. And theater can be done everywhere. Even in a theater.

If I had a gun to my head and I had to choose between theater and film I'd choose theater.

I've been acting for 25 years, living out of suitcases on theater tours or film locations.

The trick about the theater is at the end of the day you cannot take any of it personally.

No, the horror genre is not my first love. I don't run to the theater to see horror films.

And I started as a journalism major at Ohio State, ended up in theater and I love to read.

What people really want in the theater is fantasy involvement and not reality involvement.

I like melodrama because it is situated just at the meeting point between life and theater.

Theater actors like to change character roles. They don't like to always do the same thing.

Dance, vaudeville, drama, movies - as a child I loved everything that went on in a theater.

The theater is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life.

I'm not into music - the only music I like is musical theater, but I have every Ween album.

I'm trying to bring a new generation into the musical theater and to create a new audience.

failure in the theater is more public, more brilliant, more unreal than in any other field.

One's roused by this, another finds that fit: Each loves the play for what he brings to it.

All I know is that as an audience member, I am less and less inclined to go to the theater.

I don't like to go to theaters, because I don't like the way most people behave in theaters.

And I'm in favor of that because I have a gay son, who's a very successful theater designer.

In theater, the scenes I like the most are the ones where you are there and you cannot talk.

When you think about it, what other playwrights are there besides O'Neill, Tennessee and me?

Normally our season is seven weeks in the Drama Theatre and four weeks in the Opera Theater.

Mystery Science Theater is really a postmodern show, it's really derived of many influences.

Unless we tell stories about ourselves, which is all that theater is, we're in deep trouble.

My parents certainly didn't have anything to do with the theater. I'm some kind of accident.

I used to do theater in L.A., but it got to the point where everything was really showcase-y.

I absolutely want to have a career where you make'em laugh and make'em cry. It's all theater.

When you are performing in theater, you feel so connected to your audience. Its exhilarating!

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