I don't even know what progressive is anymore, to be honest!

To be honest with you, I love the fans. I mean, I really do.

To be honest, I never really wrapped my mind around winning.

To be honest, my husband and my children are my best friends.

To be honest, I was never very ambitious. And I still am not.

To be honest, prestige is probably the last thing I focus on.

To be honest, makeup is a big part of what I do for a living.

I have to be honest with you: I'm a huge fan of Conan O'Brien.

I drank more wine when I wasn't working as much, to be honest.

Because I don't really think of myself as a hunk, to be honest.

I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't do much else to be honest.

To be honest with you, I never looked at soccer as a sacrifice.

I've got to be honest, there's no pleasure when you're working.

To be honest with you, I try not to get caught up in the stats.

Individual achievements are not important for me, to be honest.

Strikers never lose games... we have to be honest and say that.

You have to be honest about what kind of films you want to make.

The responsibility of an artist is to be honest with themselves.

One has to be honest to the story and choose actors accordingly.

To be honest, I have never thought about getting into direction.

I don't think I'll ever be another Steven Gerrard, to be honest!

I can't hide things from my Maker, so it is better to be honest.

To be honest, I was never really interested in theatre as a kid.

I decided early on to be honest and trust people with the truth.

Real men know how to listen, and real men know how to be honest.

I think everybody in Washington could use a curfew, to be honest.

Not really interested in covering other bands songs to be honest.

To be honest, it's easier for me to speak with an American accent.

To be honest, I don't see anyone out there who plays the way I do.

To be honest, the real money is in merchandising and performances.

I have to be honest about this, I do skip leg day once in a while.

To be honest, I am not really excited by most of the offers I get.

One of the key elements is the ability to be honest with yourself.

I've got to take a break, to be honest. I'm not even going to lie.

You've got to be honest; if you can fake that, you've got it made.

To be honest, I enjoy all different types of films and experiences.

I'm all about Ibiza, dance. I'm a bit of a Tulisa kid to be honest.

You ask men in office to be honest; I ask them to serve the public.

To be honest, it doesn't matter who is next to me in whatever team.

To be honest, I'm not as goal oriented and ambitious as I once was.

If you want the best audience, make your way up North to be honest.

The women that inspire me to be honest are the women that struggle.

To be honest, you don't get the full picture when you read a script.

To be honest, I'm really more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of a girl.

To be honest, I don't feel pressure. I honestly don't feel pressure.

We need people in the game to be honest, to call things as they are.

I don't care what other people think about me to be honest with you.

If you're trying to appeal to my generation you've got to be honest.

I want to be honest, and even if that's scary, I know it's worth it.

My whole goal is to be honest and sincere with the music I'm making.

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