My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring.

To be honest, I'm not a big golf nerd. Golf is kind of boring, not much action.

To be honest with you, most of the times I have fought, there has been a reason.

I don't care about that All-Star bonus, to be honest. It's just about my legacy.

I'm not really that comfortable, to be honest, singing about my darkest moments.

The fight scenes are pretty easy and come pretty naturally for me, to be honest.

I think you have to be honest and not try to be somebody that you really aren't.

To be honest, we never, ever let business weigh down the creativity of this band.

To be honest, I think I have a nice voice. A good voice... and I loved recording.

I'm not the only one that's joined in the Maro Itoje song, to be honest with you!

Oh my God, to be a free man, to be honest with you, it's awesome. It's fantastic.

My job is to tell a story, and the decisions about the casting have to be honest.

It's better to be honest about your opinions than to pretend you don't have them.

I work with tiny companies, so I don't really live in unicorn world, to be honest.

To be honest, at the beginning of 2019, I never thought about making my ODI debut.

As a citizen of this country, I've got to be honest to the people of South Africa.

To be honest, I miss the old Hollywood way of having some mystique about the star.

I don't watch a whole lot of television, to be honest, but I do miss music videos.

I want to be honest about my faith, but not preachy, for my viewers and my readers.

Honesty is a complex and tricky thing, and we don't want to be honest all the time.

I don't believe in wasting anybody's time. I like to be honest. I like to be clear.

To be honest, I don't have much to do in 'Hathyar.' I won't call it a pivotal role.

Sometimes it's better to have a benign dictator than a dumb democracy, to be honest.

We don't put our emotions out there in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I love to be honest.

So I wouldn't see Wings as a band that would go into the Hall of Fame, to be honest.

I don't think many actors are that good, to be honest. I certainly don't think I am.

I kind of live under a rock, to be honest. I very much stay in my little film world.

The key to success is to be honest, follow your passion and not someone else's path.

All women think men look good in suits. To be honest, I like the way they look, too.

To be honest, I wasn't looking at 'Tutak Tutak Tutiya' as a platform to dance again.

I'm not really a computer man, to be honest. I check my emails every couple of weeks.

I never worked a job that required research. I'm not really good at it, to be honest.

I have to be honest: when you have 70 fights under your belt, your priorities change.

I don't really lie about anything, I have to be honest. I like to live with the truth.

When you got a great cast around you, it makes the story easier to tell, to be honest.

I never thought I was particularly talented, and to be honest with you, I still don't.

To be honest, if you are not the manager's cup of tea, you can't do anything about it.

I am obsessed with cricket. But to be honest, I prefer the IPL format to test matches.

To be honest, I'm more of a sneaker person. My legs hurt if I wear heels for too long.

With songs, I've always pledged to be honest. I write my songs because I've lived them.

I'm not one who likes to be honored, to be honest with you. That's never been who I am.

I hate wearin' sunglasses, to be honest with you. You don't need sunglasses in Ireland.

To be honest, I've only been to one concert, and it was Aerosmith. Aerosmith and Slash.

To be honest, I didn't even know what the Drama Desk Awards were until I was nominated.

My mother taught me to be honest, to be selfless, and to touch people in a positive way.

I've played all over, to be honest. Centre-half, defensive midfield, attacking midfield.

Liberty is the right of every man to be honest, to think and to speak without hypocrisy.

To be honest, I would never have imagined myself acting on a sitcom that I didn't write.

I have always been, and shall continue to be, honest when it comes to bodyweight issues.

I love working with Chanel, and long may it reign, to be honest. I hope it lasts forever.

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