I don't like to use toilets - ever.

I cleaned toilets and shined shoes.

I do all my interviews on the toilet.

Toilets are the best place for awards.

We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat!

My name is only an anagram of toilets.

I like getting toilet paper thrown at me.

Don't get me started on cold toilet seats.

She used my toothbrush to clean the toilet.

Montague's just been found in a toilet, Sir.

I'd find it demeaning to be cleaning toilets.

Life before toilet paper was not worth living.

I think toilets are more important than temples.

Time kept on and on like the cheapest toilet paper.

You're so full of crap, you could pass for a toilet.

I was swinging like a toilet door on a prawn trawler.

It's the mortal cup Jace, not the mortal toilet bowl.

The wide screen reminds me of a roll of toilet paper.

Don't get married in a house where there is no toilet.

If all you do is talk crap, I'll just flush the toilet.

You can flush my ashes down the toilet, for all I care.

Endangered forests are being slaughtered for toilet paper

I wouldn't go in a fast food outlet even to use the toilet.

All my good reading, you might say, was done in the toilet.

I'd rather clean my toilet than go to a show-business party.

I will go to the Opening of Anything, including a Toilet Seat

Public toilets have a duty to be accessible, poetry does not.

For me, the test of a good office is how clean its toilets are.

There's no place like home. And there's no toilet like your own.

Books Are Good For Lots Of Uses, Not For Dropping In The Toilet.

There's nothing special about losing your virginity over a toilet.

Problems are like toilet paper. You pull on one and ten more come.

If you can see the handwriting on the wall... you're on the toilet.

There comes a time in every man's life when he needs his own toilet.

We were called The Toilets originally - we were flushed with success.

Not to go to the theater is like making one's toilet without a mirror.

She cleans a toilet inside and out under a minute. More like terrifying

People don't want to hear about me having leather walls or gold toilets.

No one goes to the toilet in novels. You'd think none of us had bladders.

The only thing I use the Rolling Stone for is toilet paper when I run out.

If a life goes down the toilet, it comes out in a river and meets the sea.

I wrote my first book in a toilet in a factory where I was a floor sweeper.

My dad used to flush my mother's head down the toilet. I was so screwed up.

Nobody should have to clean up what goes on around the base of most toilets.

Under Swachh Bharat initiative, the government has built nine crore toilets.

An OBE is what you get if you clean the toilets well at King's Cross station.

Success is like toilet paper, it only seems important when you don't have it.

You act like getting pregnant is a disease you can catch from public toilets.

The provision of toilets is a minimum requirement for the dignity of our women.

Why do I continue making movies? Making movies is better than cleaning toilets.

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