Editing is such a voyeuristic treat for me. I land on a theme and ask authors to pen works that fit the topic.

Rejection is a universally embarrassing topic and 'Electra Heart' is my response to that. It is a frank album.

Knowing whose advice to take and on what topic is the single most important decision an entrepreneur can make.

I did quite a lot of research for 'Phobia' because it's a very sensitive topic, so I couldn't have just faked it.

Hamilton had one of those extraordinary 18th-century minds that touched on virtually every major topic of the day.

I know better than to ever attempt to get a reporter removed from covering any topic. That would never be an option.

My favorite water cooler topic is fantasy football. I used to make fun of friends for doing it and now I'm obsessed.

It was 1988, and I was just finishing a D.Phil at Oxford University on the topic of 'Nietzsche and German Idealism.'

Learning isn't meant to be confined to a box, and students virtually never 'master' a topic simply by taking a class.

The dialogue around climate change can often become mired in gloom and doom, which is understandable given the topic.

I love that topic, the whole relationship thing, and I think that's why I love all this stuff, the Jane Austen stuff.

It's weird: you do a TED talk on something, and people think that you suddenly have a lot of answers around the topic.

Making a documentary about my hometown was always going to be the most difficult topic I had ever covered! No question.

I certainly witnessed bullying as a teen in both a small and a big school setting. I feel like it is a universal topic.

The broader the topic, the easier it is, not only to fill a book, but to set the bar pretty high for really great stuff.

I can't stay in the same place for more than 20 days because I need to make a video every single day on a different topic.

I spent my time trying to understand grand jury procedure - a topic about which I never before had the slightest interest.

I understand the desire to write and read about the death of publishing. It's a perversely and universally appealing topic.

I feel sex is a common topic everyone see in content of any television shows be it a fiction or live comedy or a chat show.

Following Rice, I went to Caltech for a Ph.D in physics, without any strong idea of what I wanted to do for a thesis topic.

I spent 11 years at 'The Daily Show,' and I learned everything there about how to write funny, how to write funny on topic.

I believe one's sexuality is one's own business. I really don't go around discussing it. Call me 'old school' on that topic.

I think it is a mistake for candidates, or once they get elected in office, to be dwelling too much on the topic of markets.

Even though money seems such an objective topic, it can also be the most intimate, and possibly harmful, part of a relationship.

It's a very funny topic, missing weight and getting title shots. I think the punishments should be more severe, but I don't know.

I was fascinated by a compelling character embroiled in a controversial topic that told the story from a different point of view.

I don't even want to touch on the topic of black quarterback, because I think this game is bigger than black, white or even green.

If the scholar feels that he must know everything about any topic, he is in trouble - and will not publish with a clear conscience.

I feel like if you read something, and it makes you so curious about a topic that you then go read something else, that's exciting.

When I'm done with a book, I always give it to someone with expertise in the topic and tell them to flag all of my stupid mistakes.

It is important for me to remember that time learning anything substantial, even if it's not my favourite topic, is time well used.

We cannot turn away because a topic is unpleasant or vile. Why? Because one way to rid our society of evil is to confront it boldly.

When you exist in the centre of a debate, as a topic, a hypothesis - otherised and stigmatised - you become the prop in a proposition.

Titles always sound so pretentious, and when I see a comedian, I just want the person to take flight, not stick to one topic or subject.

I think very few of us have a thick bold line on every given topic that falls neatly into the box of a chosen political party or figure.

Dhoni is a superstar. He is one of our greatest cricketers. When you have a career as glorious as that, you become a topic on television.

'Vicky Donor' dealt with a taboo topic, but it was a family entertainer and not cringe-worthy, which helped make it a commercial success.

I'm a Catholic, and not because I just happened to wake up as a Catholic. I'm not going to be persuaded on any topic, especially not that.

No matter what poker book you read or poker show you watch, the topic of position will invariably be discussed and its importance stressed.

Acting is about portraying something... that dedication or learning the script of it is really important in really getting to know a topic.

I truly believe heavy metal has gone south. Too many people are focusing on, will the songs be on the radio, will the shirt be in Hot Topic?

In the 1980s, Vietnam emerged in our culture as a legitimate and compelling topic for discussion rather than something to be hidden in shame.

I like to have fulsome discussions on every topic. What happens if you lose this show? What would you do? We have to look at every hypothesis.

For a heterosexual man - I know that's a hotly debated topic, but only among those who don't know me - I have grown to really appreciate fashion.

The human overpopulation issue is the topic I see as the most vital to solve if our children and grandchildren are to have a good quality of life.

It's been mentioned or suggested that Paradise will not be well studied, because it's about this unimportant intellectual topic, which is religion.

Monetary policy is one of the most difficult topics in economics. But also, I believe, a topic of absolutely crucial importance for our prosperity.

I would chance saying globally there is a feeling that female empowerment has, at last, become a topic that is fashionable, and more power to that.

Ay, rail at gaming - 'tis a rich topic, and affords noble declamation. Go, preach against it in the city - you'll find a congregation in every tavern.

For each book, there's a back story of where the idea came from. Sometimes it's derived from a current event or topic of discussion, such as 'Deadline.'

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