Tribalism has become trendy.

Building design isn't trendy.

I'm not trendy and I'm not popular.

I don't hang out at trendy Hollywood bars.

We're so trendy we can't even escape ourselves.

I just want to share trendy music with my fans.

If you don't shop smart, you get a little trendy.

I would not invest in any shoe that is too trendy.

I like trendy clothes just like everybody else does.

I make clothing, and I don't care about trendy things.

Designing my shoes, I'm thinking timeless. Not trendy.

Values are not trendy items that are casually traded in.

It will always be trendy to do the right thing with food.

It's so cool to be trendy and be flooded with compliments.

I'm 50. And I'm not ever really worried about being trendy.

As a comedian, I've always tried to bring in trendy issues.

I pursue what I think is the most trendy music at the moment.

Just because something is trendy doesn't mean it will suit you.

I'd rather be shot than be seen falling out of some trendy club.

A wacky, trendy outfit on a guy over 40 indicates he's got big issues.

My son is very trendy and with-it, and he was the one who showed me 'Gummo.'

Save me from trendy religion that makes cheap clichés out of timeless truths.

Confit is the ultimate comfort food, and trendy or not, it is dazzling stuff.

Linen is good because it looks trendy and at the same time it's very comfotable

If it's a good song, it doesn't really matter if it's trendy or not. It will hit.

Being trendy is alright, but clubbing all the trends in one look is a complete no.

In Germany, salads are assemblies of ham and mayonnaise, not trendy tossed leaves.

I've never done a trendy diet or subscribed to a fashionable health fad in my life.

I tend to gravitate away from the more trendy Ibiza style of dance music. It's not me.

I like to do enough work to keep myself sharp and relevant without trying to be trendy.

Shibuya is a trendy part of Tokyo where young people come to meet and have a good time.

I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual.

It was really important for me to create fun and trendy pieces for the plus-size market.

'Tarak' is a 'class' movie and a family entertainer, so the album sounds trendy and peppy.

My style is not trendy by any means; my inner artists loves to shine through in my wardrobe.

I don't think you last very well in this business if you're trendy because trends come and go.

I don't think of myself as a trendy person at all, and if I'm anything, I'm probably contrarian.

I find a lot of young filmmakers make too much of an effort to be trendy and they can be pretentious.

A man should look effortless and classic. It's such a turnoff if a man is too well groomed or trendy.

Being trendy is dangerous. I've never been trendy, which is why I've never really fallen out of favour.

Don't get me wrong: not all camo is trendy or cute. The right camo and camo shades, though... perfection.

While it's trendy to outsource your accounting to a third party, once you hit a certain size, it's dangerous.

What changed our lives forever was when Malcolm had the idea to sell rock 'n roll records to trendy customers.

I am not trendy. I am not 'in fashion.' I am simply a positive human being who has a positive outlook on life.

I have the sensation of doing something good for people, more than being a trendy artist or a successful artist.

I like to get a rise out of my mom with what I wear - I always go for the tallest heels or something super trendy.

Thanks to Cheran, I play a city girl in 'Mayakkannadi.' I appear in trendy costumes and have more scope to perform.

A scuffed up shoe on the red carpet or at a big premiere is never okay! It can really alter the vibe of a trendy look.

I have a particular image, and my customers know my line isn't going to be so trendy it will be out of style next year.

I definitely see myself making classic R&B records with somewhat of a trendy vibe to it. I definitely wouldn't say trap.

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