Men stop trying after a while and get lazy.

My future's about trying to be a better man

Do not wave stick when trying to catch dog.

I try and live my life in bite-size chunks.

Try to practice the things you're thinking.

I try to manage my time to conserve energy.

The second part of how to hire: try not to.

I would try doing a dish 30 different ways.

If you grow up fat, you have to try harder.

Trying to keep up with current slang sucks.

I just try to concentrate on concentrating.

We love and we feel and we try and we hope.

Failure is never a reason not to try again.

I try to be the best man I can for the day.

Don't try to lawyer me out of common sense.

I try to do romantic gestures all the time.

We are trying to prevent a third world war.

No man knows what he can do until he tries.

For me giving up is way harder than trying.

I'm just trying to get back to normal life.

Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do good.

You don't have to try, you just have to be.

I'm a person who tries not to have regrets.

What matters is that you never stop trying.

Don't try to be a hero. Try to be a winner.

You're never a loser until you quit trying.

If you don't succeed at first, try pitching.

You can't plan anything, right? You can try.

I try to be the same person I was yesterday.

Always try to be modest, and be proud of it!

Don't try to fine-tune somebody else's view.

I never go up there trying to hit a home run

I want to try to become friends with Russia.

I try to do what has never been done before.

Try finding love, rather than finding fault.

You try to give away what you want yourself.

Honestly, I'm just trying to live day to day

Prosperity tries the souls even of the wise.

You never know what you can do till you try.

Try to look for weaknesses in your thinking.

Want to be happy? Stop trying to be perfect.

I'm going to beat this cancer or die trying.

These things are sent to try us, but why me?

When disaster waves, I try not to wave back.

The only failures are those who fail to try.

If kindness doesn't work, try more kindness.

I'm not trying to be fashionable. Never was!

With competition everyone has to try harder.

Man can learn everything if he will but try.

The only real failure is the failure to try.

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