I'm an urban act.

I'm an urban person.

I'm not an urban person.

Canada can be tough for urban music.

Millennials want to live in urban areas.

I grew up in Shanghai, a big urban city.

I've hardly ever played urban characters.

I come from a young, hip-hop, urban world.

I would love to play an urban working girl.

You know, urban culture is fun; it's lovely.

An urban novelist never minds a little decay.

Porridge and the urban lifestyle don't mix well.

Urban survival rule 22: Never annoy an armed man.

Urban America is like a foreign country in a sense.

I'm an urban person who loves living in the country.

I have my own production company called Urban Dreams.

I really like the whole urban, hip-hop kind of thing.

Safer cities generally mean stronger urban economies.

Infrastructure deficit is an issue in all urban areas.

A noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die.

I'm very into urban chic; it goes with my personality.

A lot of money could be saved if we ate urban wildlife.

In urban culture, Larry Davis is something of a legend.

It's great to bring urban music to the commercial scene.

33% of urban traffic is actively seeking a parking space.

I used to listen to Keith Urban and Johnny Cash and stuff.

Everyone's looking to the urban scene for inspiration now.

I'm not an urban black person. I'm a country black person.

I'm a farm boy from Connecticut, and I adopted urban life.

I consider my music edgy, urban and with an earthy element.

I've worked on the urban agenda all my life. All. My. Life.

I have a low taste for urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

Americans are in the habit of never walking if they can ride.

The Latin urban genre is getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

Urban living is an intersection of business and personal life.

I certainly knew the hard side of urban life, stop-and-search.

I mean, if Hardee's is urban, I'm not sure I want to see rural.

Atlanta, to me, has the sauce as far as urban music is concerned.

If a policeman must know the Constitution, then why not a planner?

In an urban environment, a church building is a thing of the past.

Wild and urban at the same time - that's the type of woman I'm with.

To give everyone a house and garden is very difficult in urban areas.

We need above all, I think, a certain remoteness from urban confusion.

The separation of church and state is a suburban, not an urban, issue.

To me, my brand is luxury, it's art, it's women, it's raw, it's urban.

Electric cars are going to be very important for urban transportation.

I happen to be unique. I'm a Republican that represents an urban area.

Keeping up with Urban Meyer is more of an Olympic event than handball.

How does he support Clinton's urban agenda? He doesn't know what it is.

I've had a lifelong obsession with urban legends and American folklore.

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