You look like the vamp who bled the cat.

Now go and stake some vamps. Especially the sparkly emo ones.

If I played a vamp I would be rejected by the audience outright.

I do have a Mexican accent, but that doesn't mean that I'm a Latin vamp.

My mother was a professional beauty. She played the vamp for all it was worth.

I killed Freddie the vamp like twenty times, but he wouldn't die. --Natalya Shonski

I love playing the vamp, and I get sent out for a lot of that stuff, maybe because I do it well.

In normal life, we are all sweet and not vamp. So, to play a villain a lot of focus is required.

In a way, I'm like Will Rogers, never having met a man I really disliked. I'm not a vamp. I just like men.

We were using Brooke as an actress; she was playing different roles: a liberated woman, a teenager, a vamp.

Because success is such a weasel word anyway, it's such a horribly American word, and it's such a vamp and, I think it's a death trap.

Whatever role was offered to me, I adapted well and did it with elan. A vamp's role is challenging, but a mother's role is comparatively easy.

That was the fun of acting, being a blank canvas you could transform into the character - Indian princess, 20s vamp, Mother Courage, Oxford don, 94-year-old wife.

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