I don't want to be a thief of my own wallet.

I don't like the George Costanza-style wallet.

The way to a woman's heart is through your wallet.

I keep Polaroids in my wallet of me and my friends.

For people who use Google Wallet, the experience works.

The only person who knows what's in my wallet is my wife.

I don't use a wallet. My money is just free-flowing in my bag.

I lose my wallet all the time, and I break my phone all the time.

I can explain that shot. Arnold moved his wallet to the other pocket.

I usually carry my wallet, phone, Chapstick, and a snack at all times.

My father carries around the picture of the kid who came with his wallet.

I don't carry a wallet. I keep my cards in my pocket and cash in my boots.

One of my rules is: If it's good for the planet, it's usually good for your wallet.

Each consumer has the power of their wallet and their voice. They can exercise that.

When businesses affirmatively like regulations, that's when to reach for your wallet.

My position is if you double vote, we will find you and it will be a heavy hit to the wallet.

He that displays too often his wife and his wallet is in danger of having both of them borrowed.

One can understand a person by the way he removes his wallet and puts his hand to take out money.

My wallet is full of change. I'm like, Why is this bag so heavy? Oh, yeah. It's the $100 in quarters!

Real choice is clear information and the right to walk away from a bad deal without leaving your wallet behind.

If I was to leave home without my wallet and my iPhone, and I could only go back and get one, I'd grab my iPhone.

I don't have a wallet. I carry my driver's license and a couple of credit cards in my phone. That, and a money clip.

You'll reach into your wallet to brandish a photograph of a new puppy, and a friend will say, 'Oh, no - not pictures.'

The rules have changed. True power is held by the person who possesses the largest bookshelf, not gun cabinet or wallet.

I don't put cash in my Louis Vuitton wallet. I have it thrown around my bag - jut a whole bunch of hundreds, maybe $5,000.

It seems to be a law in American life that whatever enriches us anywhere except in the wallet inevitably becomes uneconomic.

Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had.

Riding a bicycle is about getting back to basics. It's good for the waistline and it's good for the wallet, is what I'm saying.

I think if you have a big enough wallet you can solve anything but the key is to solve it with the least amount of expenditure.

Pablo gave me gifts any billionaire gives his girlfriend: a crocodile wallet, a trip. I imagine that Trump gave Melania wallets.

We say here that if you fall down in the United States, the ambulance man must feel for your wallet before he feels for your pulse.

Hollywood is a dirty temptress that has stolen my wallet way too many times. It's a great town, but at the same time, it's a hustle.

For many years, we have repeated that the direct-to-consumer channel is growing and capturing a larger share of our customers' wallet.

I'm obsessed with cute gym clothes in bright bold prints, so as soon as Mara Hoffman expanded into activewear, I knew my wallet was in danger.

'Goodfellas' has kind of got it all. That was probably one of my favorite films as a kid, so I carried a picture of 'Goodfellas' in my wallet.

Are you motivated? Are you coherent? Is your intention aligned? Are your feet, tongue, heart and wallet congruent? That intention shines through.

I don't do credit cards 'cause my mama told me back in the day she never dated a man who tows a wallet. 'Cause that mean he ain't have enough money.

At drama school, we were taught to write down your dreams and carry them around in your wallet with you, and they'll come true, but I didn't do that.

In the 70s Sweden was innocent, but we've lost that. Society has become less idealistic and everything is about how much money you have in your wallet.

You have to have your wallet for security reasons. I'm the governor. And I had to have money. I had to buy something to eat. You have to have identification.

I can't find my car keys in the morning. Trying to get out of my house is a nightmare. 'Where's my wallet? Where are my keys? I have to go find a missing person.'

Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it 'all the money,' but they changed it to 'alimony.' It's ripping your heart out through your wallet.

I just don't want to die alone, that's all. That's not too much to ask for, is it It would be nice to have someone care about me, for who I am, not about my wallet.

I have a pathetic urge at some stage in my life to be able to pull out my wallet and pull out a little card on which it would say, 'Kenneth Branagh, artistic director.'

Within the coming years, disrupting the Bitcoin network will become increasingly more difficult as Bitcoin wallet software and the protocol become more mature and resilient.

A bad investment is going for quantity over quality. If you're trying to be careful with your wallet, especially with the economy right now, you have to choose staple pieces.

I was born in Puerto Rico - I used to sit in the sun until I looked like a piece of bacon. It's a wonder now that I don't look like an old wallet. I'm a very fortunate person.

My theory was that good furniture could be priced so that the man with the flat wallet would be attracted to it, would make a place for it in his spending, and could afford it.

Most of the tasks we do are for humans. For example, a tax calculation is counting numbers so the government can pull money out from my wallet, but government consists of humans.

I was the person who had a 10 lb baby on my arm called my purse, and now that I have a crossover bag it's stupid. I realize I need my wallet, my phone and my lip gloss - that's it.

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