Nobody has a bigger cult than Warren Buffett.

I'm so tired of talking about Warren Buffett.

I've always wanted to work with Warren Beatty.

Warren Beatty seems very self-conscious and actory.

I'm probably as royal as Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee.

Warren Beatty took an interest in my career at one point.

Listen, we elected Warren G. Harding. Anybody has a chance.

Warren and I are friends, but working with him had been difficult.

I like a guy with a little edge. I mean, I played with Warren Sapp.

Even Warren Buffet is allowed to have an awful year from time to time.

I love Mayor Pete. I've always liked Joe Biden. I like Elizabeth Warren.

I admire people like Warren Buffett that are donating so much money to charity.

I told Warren if he mentions Prop. 13 one more time, he has to do 500 push-ups.

Warren Beatty has always acted like a Movie Star even when no one knew who he was.

Price is what you pay, but value, as Warren Buffett has observed, is what you get.

You can't be no philanthropist, no Warren Buffett, unless you make something first.

Joseph Warren, like a lot of revolutionary leaders, was into Enlightenment literature.

Well, Warren Harding, I have got you the presidency. What are you going to do with it?

I think any statement about stock prices is always suspect unless it's made by Warren Buffett.

When Warren Buffett says the sun shines out of somebody's backside, it's worth paying attention.

Warren Buffett pays taxes on a smaller percentage of his billions in income than his cleaning lady.

Elizabeth Warren never stops raising the alarm about climate change and raging about the billionaires.

When 'G' Thang' was created, I was living in Agoura Hills, and Snoop and Warren G were living with me.

Our partnership with the American Warren Buffett, from my perspective, is aimed at creating more jobs.

I'm pretty close with a lot of guys, like Nick Watney and Steve Marino, D.J. Trahan and Charlie Warren.

Bush already gave obscene tax breaks to people like me and Warren Buffet, and we are saying it's not fair.

My trainer Jimmy Tibbs and my promoter Frank Warren told me that I had to be patient and get the jab going.

I check Trump every time he says something crazy. I told him to stop calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas.'

Actually, I bought one share of Warren Buffett's stock, probably 35 years ago, in order to read his letters.

The world has become one big grassy knoll, crawling with lone gunmen who think they're the Warren Commission.

One of the first things we found out was that the Warren Commission never pursued a conspiracy investigation.

Soon after I returned to private practice, former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger called me one day.

One has to divide Warren Buffet into different periods. There is a continuously evolving style of Warren Buffett.

I love reading Warren Buffett's letters, and I love contrasting his words with his actions. He's a very wise guy.

When Warren Buffett invests in a company, he is conferring upon that company something very unique: his credibility.

But my promoter Frank Warren knows what he is doing, and has been through this cycle many times with other fighters.

'The Authority,' by Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, really pioneered the widescreen, action-packed style of storytelling.

With Kickstarter, people are patrons of the arts. With Mosaic, people can be clean-energy investors like Warren Buffett.

Republicans can nominate bad Justices, too. Earl Warren, William Brennan, Harry Blackmun, David Souter... the list goes on.

In my 20s, I was a freelance writer with little money and living in a rabbit warren one-and-a-half-bedroom with a roommate.

Warren Beatty once told me that if someone's really stuck on you, find them their next boyfriend. But I could never do that.

As a young prosecutor right out of law school at the Alameda County DA's office that Earl Warren once led, I started my work.

My first interest in baseball is the welfare of baseball itself. My second is the Cincinnati Reds, and my third is Warren Giles.

When we made 'North Hills,' I had never heard Warren Zevon, and I never heard the Grateful Dead. I had never heard of Jackson Browne.

In my opinion, the Warren Commission's investigation has to be considered the most comprehensive investigation of a crime in history.

The person who I admire most in business is Warren Buffett. He is a long-term investor and has brilliant ideas, and he sticks to them.

Warren Buffet told me once and he said always follow your gut. When you have that gut feeling, you have to go with don't go back on it.

Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I love to do. He calls it 'tap-dancing to work.'

You always hope someone will take you under their wing and teach you - when it's Warren Beatty, it's like, 'Oh my God, how is this real?'

For me, defeating Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts is driving a bigger blow to these institutions of power right in the belly of the beast.

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