Strong words are required for weak principles.

Use your will to conquer fears and weaknesses!

Every present anger derives from past weakness.

The weaker you are the louder you bark. -Tenten

In a king, modesty would be a sign of weakness.

It is never too late to master your weaknesses.

I've always had a weakness for foreign affairs.

President Obama's biggest weakness is weakness.

Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.

It's not a weakness to admit that you're wrong.

It is commonly a weak man who marries for love.

It is my weakness that gives me all my strength.

The morality of compromise sounds contradictory.

Any relationship has its strengths and weakness.

I’m aware of my weaknesses and THE BEAST WITHIN.

Weak souls always set to work at the wrong time.

Too many athletes do not admit their weaknesses.

silence is not weakness and decency is not pride

Only one feat is possible: not to have run away.

Weak dogs become bones for other, stronger dogs.

A person's strength is to know their weaknesses.

Weakness is the only fault that is incorrigible.

Weakness is more opposed to virtue than is vice.

Our greatest weakness is lack of self-confidence.

To be loved is a strength. To love is a weakness.

Master your strengths. Outsource your weaknesses.

My biggest television weakness is 'Dragons' Den.'

I deplore my shortcomings, but plan to keep them.

My weakness as an actor is that I think too much.

Never apologize, mister. It's a sign of weakness.

I don't have moments of weakness. I'm Rik Mayall.

My weakness is hitting it straight under pressure.

I do not talk about my weaknesses, I work on them.

Love is a possible strength in an actual weakness.

Coffee and cigarettes, that's one of my weaknesses

I don't know how to say no, and that's a weakness.

Every form of strength is also a form of weakness.

It takes strength to be kind; it's not a weakness.

There's no evidence that vulnerabilty is weakness.

Satirize wickedness if you must--but pity weakness.

What is bad? -Everything that arises from weakness.

Hatred in your heart for others is always weakness.

Only strength can cooperate. Weakness can only beg.

When you find your opponent's weak spot, hammer it.

The yielding of the weak is the concession to fear.

Humility is not weakness, but strength under control

The weaknesses of the many make the leader possible.

When you are required to exhibit strength, it comes.

Don't push your weaknesses, play with your strengths

When a Spanish man cries it's not a sign of weakness

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