When it comes to Iran, we must not accept Obama's inconsistencies and weakness.

No cowardice, no sin, no crime, no weakness - the rest will come of itself. . .

Dee's search for knowledge was always his greatest strength... and his weakness.

We must learn to pray out of our weaknesses so that God can become our strength.

It's hard to let new stuff in. And whether that admits a weakness, I don't know.

Simplicity is an asset, not a weakness... The smaller the idea the happier I am.

When the conversation turns too quickly to films,I see it as a sign of weakness.

Nothing is more arrogant than the weakness which feels itself supported by power.

a weak and irresolute disposition is often more destructive than determined vice.

Justin's real weakness is, he's very much in his head. He intellectualizes a lot.

Sometimes your greatest strength can emerge as a weakness if the context changes.

Whilst weakness and timidity keep us to our duty, virtue has often all the honor.

Your weaknesses will never develop, while your strengths will develop infinitely.

The martyrs shook the powers of darkness with the irresistible power of weakness.

I just like the company of beautiful women. I have a weakness in that department.

We all have moments of weakness. It’s how we recover from them that really counts.

We’ve all got weaknesses. Me, for instance. I’m tragically funny and good-looking.

If you have love in you, it's a strength. But if you are in love, it's a weakness.

You will excel only by maximizing your strengths, never by fixing your weaknesses.

Love is not weakness. It is strong. Only the sacrament of marriage can contain it.

Even if no command to pray had existed, our very weakness would have suggested it.

Our enemies did not cross our borders They crept through our weaknesses like ants.

Forget your dream-born mortal weakness. Wake up and know that you and God are one.

More men are guilty of treason through weakness than any studied design to betray.

Admitting your weaknesses does not diminish your strengths: it shows your courage.

It's not so much that he can't fall in love, but he has not the weakness necessary.

Love is woman's business,and in "business" we all lay aside our natural weaknesses.

People with weaknesses get killed by the people who lack them. Notice I'm not dead.

I'm not impulsive at all - except about buying clothes. That's my biggest weakness.

The Southerner is usually tolerant of those weaknesses that proceed from innocence.

We are a purely idealistic Nation but let no one confuse our idealism with weakness.

Bear with my weakness. My old brain is troubled. Be not disturbed with my infirmity.

Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised.

Beer is the Danish national drink, and the Danish national weakness is another beer.

We like to know the weakness of eminent persons; it consoles us for our inferiority.

It's terrible when the weak are also cruel for then we are defenseless against them.

Delusion and weakness produce not one mischief the less, because they are universal.

The hardest batsman to get out. I think Sachin, technically, didn't have a weakness.

When you fight against your own weaknesses, there's something embarrassing about it.

In a male-dominated environment, things are very macho, and you can't show weakness.

Power is always right, weakness always wrong. Power is always insolent and despotic.

The MC has to be just that, a master in control. They can show no signs of weakness.

Levity of behavior, always a weakness, is far more unbecoming in a woman than a man.

What makes a man stand up and work? Strength. Strength is goodness, weakness is sin.

We often refer to loneliness as something negative. And we look at it as a weakness.

There is really no insurmountable barrier save your own inherent weakness of purpose.

When men do wrong, it is out of hardness; when women do wrong, it is out of weakness.

The clash of ideas is not weakness. Truth reaches its place when tussling with error.

Your sensitivity is power. Don't let people transform your qualities into weaknesses.

We either accept weaknesses in good people or we have to tear pages out of the Bible.

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