I have a lot of weakness in my core, so that's definitely something I'm improving on.

Why, courage then! what cannot be avoided 'Twere childish weakness to lament or fear.

After all, it is a common weakness of young authors to put too much into their papers.

I have a weakness for buttons. I'm always collecting ornate and nicely decorated ones.

If there is one path above all others to war, it is the path of weakness and disunity.

One could draw up all different kinds of adversity depending on what your weakness is.

As long as you feel your own weakness and helplessness, you will find help from above.

The beautiful seems right by force of beauty and the feeble wrong because of weakness.

Credulity is perhaps a weakness almost inseparable from eminently truthful characters.

From aquaintances we conceal our real selves. To our friends we reveal our weaknesses.

Fog is my weakness, and every time there is low fog, I am out and about with my camera.

I can't expose a human weakness on the stage unless I know it through having it myself.

People just take your kindness for weakness sometimes, and that's just the bottom line.

And the weak soul, within itself unbless'd, Leans for all pleasure on another's breast.

The beautiful seems right by force of beauty, and the feeble wrong because of weakness.

Our definition of a weakness is anything that gets in the way of excellent performance.

I think that our weakness is understanding that when we go to war, we go to war to win.

Humility is not denying your strengths, humility is being honest about your weaknesses.

I did not want to be depressed by the gap existing between my weakness and my ambition.

I don’t think it's weak to admit you made a mistake. That takes strength, if you ask me.

People who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.

If people think they've found my biggest weakness, let them try to take advantage of it.

Fatigue roughens up the edges of your nerves; it exposes your fears and your weaknesses.

I have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of their weaknesses.

Our strength is often composed of the weakness that we're damned if we're going to show.

The best way of losing a cause is to abuse your opponent and to trade upon his weakness.

It is not a character fault or weakness or seeking attention. It is somebody who is ill.

If you are not prepared to look at your pupils strength's, don't touch their weaknesses.

Weakness indicates dependence, and there is a degree of trust and tenderness also in it.

I want to be one of those players who you watch on film and say, 'Where's the weakness?'

We've allowed our military to decay, and we project weakness on the international stage.

America is not dying because of the strength of humanism but the weakness of evangelism.

She is very clever, too clever for a woman. She lacks the indefinable charm of weakness.

Curb Your Enthusiasm, is not so much about Hollywood. It's more about Larry's weaknesses.

More often than not, anger is actually an indication of weakness rather than of strength.

Sometimes our weakness is considered strength, and we take delight in borrowed greatness.

Prayer is the sign of your weakness. Rely on your inner strength. You will be the winner.

The weakness of so many modern Christians is that they feel too much at home in the world

Usually I write about what I care about, which is a weakness but I think also a strength.

I know my own weaknesses as a human being, and as a musician, as a singer and as a woman.

The World is not ruined by the wickedness of the wicked, but by the weakness of the good.

An arch consists of two weaknesses which, leaning one against the other, make a strength.

This claustrophobia was the only weakness I had. It's not my fault. It's just in my mind.

You are dependent if you allow the weaknesses of other people to ruin your emotional life!

Life is about enjoying your success!! Success is nothing but weaknesses turned inside out.

Peace is purchased from strength. It's not purchased from weakness or unilateral retreats.

Sometimes the truth hurts. It hurts because they have a weakness - and I exploit weakness.

When you acknowledge your weaknesses to the rest of the team, it is never new information.

The weakness of a soul is proportionate to the number of truths that must be kept from it.

Some weak people are so sensible of their weakness as to be able to make a good use of it.

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