Wine is a cunning wrestler.

I am a Division 1 wrestler.

I never was an amateur wrestler.

I always wanted to be a wrestler.

I am the best wrestler in the world.

It's taboo for me to date wrestlers.

I love the ending of 'The Wrestler.'

The best wrestler in the world is me.

The only thing you deserve is what you earn

It's hard to pick out one particular wrestler.

I always wanted to be a wrestler when I grew up.

I was a high school wrestler. I was city champion.

I was never an upper body wrestler. I am a shooter.

I'm definitely not the 'Diva' sort, I'm the wrestler.

One of my goals is to have NO wrestler go undefeated.

I wanted to be a wrestler since before I can remember.

I was six years old and knew I wanted to be a wrestler.

My favorite wrestler growing up was The Ultimate Warrior.

My style is not like anyone's. I'm not a typical wrestler.

The old saying is: 'Time off is a wrestler's worst enemy.'

As a wrestler, sometimes I'm fortunate with some free time.

They've got about as many lawyers as we have sumo-wrestlers.

I was a writer before I was a wrestler when I was in the WWE.

Hell you're Shawn Michaels! The greatest wrestler of all time!

If you can believe it, I had no intentions of being a wrestler.

I like to think I proved a wrestler's skin color doesn't matter.

A guy who I always said was my favorite wrestler is Rey Mysterio.

I grew up a wrestler; for a long time in Oklahoma I was a wrestler.

I told people I was going to be a wrestler, and they fell down laughing.

Do you remember the wrestler Andre the Giant? Famous. He had acromegaly.

There is a difference between being a wrestler and being a pro wrestler.

After college I started training to be a wrestler which led me to the WWE.

When I was a kid, I said this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a wrestler.

When I first broke in, I wanted to be the best technical wrestler on the planet.

I didn’t have any plans to become a wrestler until about a year before I started.

If you say John Smith is the greatest wrestler in Oklahoma history, now that's big.

The only film I've enjoyed starring a wrestler was Mickey Rourke in 'The Wrestler.'

Any '90s baby, The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin had to be your favorite wrestler.

For my money, Dan Hodge is the greatest amateur wrestler ever produced in the U.S.A.

I was not allowed to date wrestlers, or anyone else in the company, across the board.

This is the great fault of wine; it first trips up the feet: it is a cunning wrestler.

Cesaro should be world champ. I'm not afraid to say it, Cesaro is my favorite wrestler.

Fundamentally I am a wrestler and like being on top and I like my grounding and pounding.

Koko B. Ware is a crossword wrestler: he enters the ring vertically, and leaves horizontally.

You don't want to end up being an indie wrestler who wants to be the big fish in a small pond.

I've heard that I'm a wrestler and not a real fighter, but I have nothing to prove to anybody.

I'm going to do what I want to do. If he wants to go to the ground, that's fine. I'm a wrestler.

Johnny Hendricks has better credentials, but in MMA, I might be the best wrestler for the style.

I'm the world's greatest wrestler, the world's greatest singer, the world's greatest entertainer.

Being a wrestler is like walking on the treadmill of life. You get off it and it just keeps going.

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